class: title-slide, nologo .hanging[ ### Stefanie E. LaZerte <br>& Elizabeth A. Gow] # `cavityuse` ## An R Package for Detecting Cavity Use From Geolocator Data <> .spacer[ ] ISBE 2018 .align-bottom-left[<img src = "./Figures/logos/twitter_black.jpg" style = "height: 40px; vertical-align:middle"> @steffilazerte <img src = "./Figures/logos/github.png" style = "height: 40px; vertical-align:middle; margin-left: 25px"> steffilazerte <img src = "./Figures/logos/web.png" style = "height: 40px; vertical-align:middle; margin-left: 25px"> <img src = "./Figures/logos/email.svg" style = "height: 25px; vertical-align:middle; margin-left: 25px">] <img src = "./Figures/logos/ubrandon.png" style = "position: absolute; right: 35%; top: 12%; height: 50px"> <img src = "./Figures/logos/usask.png" style = "position: absolute; right: 10%; top: 12%; height: 50px"> --- # Cavities, caves and burrows ## Provide - Shelter - Nests - Roosts ## Patterns of use indicate - Breeding behaviour - Parental care - Roosting patterns - Behavioural rhythms <div class = "fig-right" style = "top:20%; height: 70%" > <img src = "./Figures/Vaux's_Swifts-2.jpg" style = "height: 100%"><div class = "attr">Visitor7 via Wikimedia Commons</div> <div class = "caption">e.g., Roosting Vaux's swifts</div> </div> --- layout: true # Geolocators --- ## To study migration - Record light levels - Time of noon = Longitude - Day length = Latitude <div class = "fig-right" style = "top:20%; height: 70%" > <img src = "./Figures/locator attachment - cropped - wide.jpg" style = "height: 100%"><div class = "attr">Scott Ramsay</div> <div class = "caption">Placing geolocator on white-throated sparrow</div> </div> <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png" class = 'fig-left' style = 'top: 47%; height: 52%' /> --- ## To study cavity use - Look for abrupt light changes - Periods of dark during the day <div class = "fig-right" style = "top:20%; height: 70%" > <img src = "./Figures/locator attachment - cropped - wide.jpg" style = "height: 100%"><div class = "attr">Scott Ramsay</div> <div class = "caption">Placing geolocator on white-throated sparrow</div> </div> <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" class = 'fig-left' style = 'top: 47%; height: 52%' /> --- ## Benefits - Inexpensive - Independent of cavity location - Individual data - Long observation periods <div class = "fig-right" style = "top:20%; height: 70%" > <img src = "./Figures/locator attachment - cropped - wide.jpg" style = "height: 100%"><div class = "attr">Scott Ramsay</div> <div class = "caption">Placing geolocator on white-throated sparrow</div> </div> --- ## Used to - Assess activity in rodents - in/out of nest - above/below ground <div class = "fig-right" style = "top:20%; height: 70%" > <img src = "./Figures/Gilles_Gonthier_-_Tamiasciurus_hudsonicus_(by).jpg" style = "height: 100%"><div class = "attr">Gilles Gonthier via Wikimedia Commons</div> <div class = "caption"">e.g., American red squirrels<br>Cory et al. 2014</div> </div> --- ## Used to - Assess activity in rodents - in/out of nest - above/below ground - Assess cavity use in northern flickers - in/out of cavity <div class = "fig-right" style = "top:20%; height: 70%" > <img src = "./Figures/Northern_Flicker_(Red-shafted) - cropped.jpg" style = "height: 100%"><div class = "attr">Dominic Sherony via Wikimedia Commons</div> <div class = "caption">e.g., Northern flickers<br>Gow et al. 2015</div> </div> --- ## Used to - Assess activity in rodents - in/out of nest - above/below ground - Assess cavity use in northern flickers - in/out of cavity - Assess incubation in shorebirds - incubating/non-incubating <div class = "fig-right" style = "top:20%; height: 70%" > <img src = "./Figures/Red_Knot_with_Geolocator_(9295409432) - cropped.jpg" style = "height: 100%"><div class = "attr">U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service<br>via Wikimedia Commons</div> <div class = "caption">e.g., Red knots<br>Burger et al. 2012</div> </div> -- <div style = "padding: 10px;"></div> .pull-left-45-c[.colourbox[But data processing!]] --- layout: false class: center, nologo .spacer[ ] .spacer[ ] # .col[**`cavityuse`**]: An R package .spacer[ ] Leverage the power of .spacer[ ] <img src = "./Figures/logos/R_sm.png" style = "width: 15%;"> --- layout: true # General Principles --- <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" class = 'fig-centre' style = 'width: auto; height: 78%' /> --- <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" class = 'fig-centre' style = 'width: auto; height: 78%' /> --- <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png" class = 'fig-centre' style = 'width: auto; height: 78%' /> --- <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" class = 'fig-centre' style = 'width: auto; height: 78%' /> --- layout: true # Testing `cavityuse` --- <div class = "anchorl" style = "position:absolute; bottom: 2%; left:25%; font-size:60%;">Gow, Weibe & Fox; 2015 Ibis</div> <div class = "fig-left" style = "top:19%; height: 65%" > <img src = "./Figures/NOFL in hand geol copy.jpg" style = "height: 100%"><div class = "attr">Elizabeth Gow</div><div class = "caption" style = "font-size: 90%">Northern flickers <span class = "small">(Colaptes auratus)</span><br><strong>Cavity nesters</strong></div> </div> <div class = "anchorr" style = "position:absolute; bottom:2%; right:25%;font-size:60%">Otter, Mckenna, LaZerte & Ramsay; 2017 AOS/SCO Conf.</div> <div class = "fig-right" style = "top:19%; height: 65%" > <img src = "./Figures/locator on bird - cropped.jpg" style = "height: 100%"><div class = "attr">Scott Ramsay</div><div class = "caption" style = "font-size: 90%">White-throated sparrows <span class = "small">(Zonotrichia albicollis)</span><br><strong>Ground nesters</strong></div> </div> <img src = "./Figures/flicker.png" style = "position: absolute; bottom: 4%; left: 0; height: 150px;"> <img src = "./Figures/wtsp.png" style = "position: absolute; top: 16%; right: -3%; height: 150px;"> --- .pull-left[<span style = "font-size: 300%; text-shadow: 2px 2px #919191; color: #FFB90F;">Day</span> - Easier - Light varies - Look for light/dark patterns .spacer[ ] <img src = "./Figures/day.png" width = 500px height = 50px>] .pull-right[<span style = "font-size: 300%; text-shadow: 2px 2px #919191; color: #440154;">Night</span> - Harder - All dark - Look for sunrise/sunset patterns .spacer[ ] <img src = "./Figures/night.png" width = 500px height = 50px>] --- layout: true # Daytime: Hypotheses --- ## a) Overall cavity use: Birds spend more time outside than inside cavities   <img src = "./Figures/cavity_out.png" class = "align-middle" style = "width:100px"> .large[>] <img src = "./Figures/cavity_in.png" width = 100px class = "align-middle"> .spacer[ ] Flickers use cavities more than Sparrows      <img src = "./Figures/flicker.png" class = "align-middle" style = "width:150px"> .large[>] <img src = "./Figures/wtsp.png" width = 150px class = "align-middle"> --- ## b) Incubation cavity use: Incubating flickers use cavities more than Non-incubating (Other) flickers & Sparrows .spacer[ ] .pull-left-c[<img src = "./Figures/flicker_incubating.png" class = "align-middle" style = "width:150px"> .large[>] <img src = "./Figures/flicker.png" class = "align-middle" style = "width:150px">] .pull-right-c[<img src = "./Figures/flicker_incubating.png" class = "align-middle" style = "width:150px"> .large[>] <img src = "./Figures/wtsp.png" width = 150px class = "align-middle">] --- layout: true # Daytime: Results ## a) Overall cavity use --- <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- - Both spend more time outside than inside cavities <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-10-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- - Both spend more time outside than inside cavities - Flickers spend more time inside than Sparrows <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-11-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- layout: true # Daytime: Results ## b) Incubation cavity use --- <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-13-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- - Incubating flickers use cavities more than - Brooding flickers <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- - Incubating flickers use cavities more than - Brooding flickers - Other flickers (without eggs or nestlings) <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-15-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- - Incubating flickers use cavities more than - Brooding flickers - Other flickers (without eggs or nestlings) - Sparrows <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-16-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- layout: true # Nighttime: Hypotheses --- ## a) Overall cavity use Sparrows do not use cavities   <img src = "./Figures/wtsp.png" class = "align-middle" style = "width:100px"> .large[≠] <img src = "./Figures/cavity_in.png" width = 100px class = "align-middle"> .spacer[ ] Flickers use cavities more than Sparrows   <img src = "./Figures/flicker.png" class = "align-middle" style = "width:100px"> .large[>] <img src = "./Figures/wtsp.png" width = 100px class = "align-middle"> --- ## b) Incubation/Brooding cavity use Incubating (with eggs) and Brooding (with nestlings) flickers use cavities more than Non-Incubating/Brooding (Other) flickers & Sparrows .spacer[ ] .pull-left-c[<img src = "./Figures/flicker_incubating.png" class = "align-middle" style = "width:150px"> .large[>] <img src = "./Figures/flicker.png" class = "align-middle" style = "width:150px">] .pull-right-c[<img src = "./Figures/flicker_incubating.png" class = "align-middle" style = "width:150px"> .large[>] <img src = "./Figures/wtsp.png" width = 150px class = "align-middle">] --- layout: true # Nighttime: Results ## a) Overall cavity use --- <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-18-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- - Flickers use cavities more than Sparrows - Sparrows **do** use cavities at night **(?)** <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-19-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- layout: true # Nighttime: Results ## b) Incubation/Brooding cavity use --- <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-21-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- Incubating and Brooding flickers: - Have similar cavity use <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-22-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- Incubating and Brooding flickers: - Have similar cavity use - Use cavities more than Other flickers <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-23-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- Incubating and Brooding flickers: - Have similar cavity use - Use cavities more than Other flickers - Use cavities more than Sparrows <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-24-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> --- layout: true # Comparing computers and humans --- ## Gow et al. 2015 - Measured nighttime cavity use in flickers - Scored use by hand ## `cavityuse` - Scored by computer <img src = "./Figures/gow_et_al_2015.png" class = "fig-right"> --- <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-25-1.png" class = 'fig-centre' /> --- layout: false # `cavityuse` Conclusions <div class = "fig-right" style = "top:20%; height: 70%" > <img src = "./Figures/PileatedWoodpeckerNest - cropped.jpg" style = "height: 100%"><div class = "attr">Pwieland via Wikimedia Commons</div> </div> ## Results match expectations: -- - Overall daytime cavity use -- - Relative daytime vs. nighttime cavity use -- - Behaviour - Cavity-users vs. Noncavity-users - Breeding cavity use -- - Computer- vs. Human-scored -- ## Results don't match expectations: - Overall nighttime cavity use -- <div style = "padding: 15px;"></div> <div class = "colourbox" style = "position:absolute; left: 6%; bottom: 2%">Good for daytime behaviour</div> --- # What next? <div class = "fig-right" style = "top:20%; height: 70%" > <img src = "./Figures/Marmota_marmota_01 - cropped.JPG" style = "height: 100%"><div class = "attr">H. Zell via Wikimedia Commons</div> </div> - Improve nighttime detections - Detect more types of light transitions -- - Test different applications - Different species .small[(swifts? bats? squirrels?)] - Different cavities .small[(chimneys? caves? burrows?)] - Different behaviour .small[(shorebird incubation?)] -- - Compare to ground observations -- .spacer[ ] .pull-left-c[.colourbox[Ground truthing!]] --- # Check out `cavityuse` ## Openly developed on GitHub <img src = "./Figures/logos/github.png" style = "width: 35px; vertical-align: middle; margin-bottom: 5px;">: .small[<>] - How to download/install `cavityuse` - How to use `cavityuse` - Contribution (feature-requests, bugs, code!) -- <div style = "position:absolute; bottom: 30%"> <h1 style = "color: var(--colour1);">Thanks!</h1> </div> <img src = "./Figures/wtsp.png" style = "height: 150px;position:absolute;bottom:20%;left:50%;"> <div style = "position:absolute; bottom: 22%"> <img src = "./Figures/logos/ubrandon.png" style = "height: 50px"> <img src = "./Figures/logos/usask.png" style = "margin-left: 30px; height: 50px"> </div> <div style = "position:absolute; text-align: right; bottom: 40px; right: 80px"> <div style = "margin-bottom: 20px;"> <img src = "./Figures/logos/web.png" style = "height: 40px; vertical-align:middle;"><br> <img src = "./Figures/logos/email.svg" style = "height: 25px; vertical-align:middle;margin-right:2px"> </div> <img src = "./Figures/logos/logo_eg.png" style = "width: 350px"> </div> <img src = "./Figures/flicker.png" style = "position: absolute; bottom: 28%; right: 2%; height: 150px; -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1);transform: scaleX(-1);"> .small[.align-bottom-left[Presentation Available: <><br>Slides created with the R package [xaringan](, using [remark.js](, [knitr](, and [R Markdown](<br><code class = "remark-inline-code">Compiled on 2018-08-10 with cavityuse v0.1.0</code>]] --- # References .small[ .hanging[ Burger J, Niles LJ, Porter RR, Dey AD (2012). Using geolocator data to reveal incubation periods and breeding biology in Red Knots Calidris canutus rufa. Wader Study Group Bull, 119:26-36. Cory TW, Wilsterman K, Kelley AD, Breton AR, Stark H, Humphries MM, McAdam AG, Barnes BM, Boutin S, Buck CL (2014). Light loggers reveal weather-driven changes in the daily activity patterns of arboreal and semifossorial rodents. Journal of Mammalogy, 95: Pages 1230–1239. Gow EA, Wiebe KL, Fox JW (2015). Cavity use throughout the annual cycle of a migratory woodpecker revealed by geolocators. Ibis, 157:167-170. Otter KA, Mckenna A, LaZerte SE, Ramsay SM (2017).The possible link between wintering grounds and continent-wide shifts in song dialects of white-throated sparrows (Oral). The joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists/Société des ornithologistes du Canada (East Lansing, MI, USA).]] --- layout: true # Monitoring cavity use --- ## At the cavity - Human observation - Video surveillance - Audio surveillance - RFID loggers ## At the individual - GPS/Accelerometers collars - Temperature loggers - Light loggers (i.e. geolocators) - RFID loggers <div class = "fig-right" style = "top:20%; height: 75%" > <img src = "./Figures/steffi_muskoka_wide.JPG" style = "height: 100%"><div class = "attr">Gertrud Nürnberg</div> </div> --- .pull-left[ ## Limitations - Knowing where potential cavities are - Individual vs. Group patterns - Cost (Equipment, technicians) - Data Processing (time, reproducibility)] --- layout: false # Daytime activity for white-throated sparrows .spacer[] .small[ > White-throated sparrows spent > - 0.8% (0.7 - 0.8) of their time Inside > - 96.9% (96.7 - 97.3) of their time Outside > - 0.8% (0 - 2.3) of their time was ambiguous ] --- layout: false # Nighttime ## Sunrise / Sunset Detection - See sunset and sunrise → "Out" - See NO sunset OR sunrise → "In" - See either → "Ambiguous" -- ## Algorithm to detect sunrise/sunset - Data from one geolocator to create the algorithm - Tested on 4 others - Days of calibration data -- <img src="LaZerte_ISBE_2018_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-27-1.png" class = 'fig-right' /> > Not bad!