class: title-slide, nologo .hanging[ ### Stefanie E. LaZerte <br>& Denis Lepage] # `naturecounts` ## a new R package to access standardized data on plant and animal populations .spacer[ ] <> .spacer[ ] CRSC 2019 .align-bottom-left[<img src = "./Figures/logos/twitter_black.jpg" style = "height: 40px; vertical-align:middle"> @steffilazerte <img src = "./Figures/logos/github.png" style = "height: 40px; vertical-align:middle; margin-left: 25px"> steffilazerte <img src = "./Figures/logos/email.svg" style = "height: 25px; vertical-align:middle; margin-left: 25px">] <img src = "./Figures/logos/ubrandon.png" style = "position: absolute; right: 425px; top: 9.5%; height: 50px"> <img src = "./Figures/logos/BSClogo.gif" style = "position: absolute; right: 50px; top: 5%; height: 125px"> --- # ## Online repository - Data stored in a standardized format - 128 million occurrence records (>400 sources) - 12,000 dataset requests - 2.3 billion total record requests by 1850 users ## Goals 1. Safely archive data 2. Facilitate data entry into repository 3. Facilitate data access 4. Develop tools for exploration, analysis, interpretation, and decision support <img src = "./Figures/naturecounts_map.png" style = "position: absolute; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; width: 49%"> <img src = "./Figures/naturecounts.png" style = "position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 82px; width: 49%"> --- # `naturecounts` .pull-left[ ## R package - Access raw data (dataframe, database) - Access metadata (species taxonomy, etc.) - Data formating (dates, zero-fill) - Quick and reproducible ## Users - Sign up on (basic access) - Request access to other datasets ## Development Status - **Download tools**: Alpha - **Data tools**: In Development ] .pull-right[ ## Basic Usage ```r library(naturecounts) # Find species id species_search(name = "Northern Cardinal") # Download to dataframe cardinals <- nc_data_dl(species = 19360, username = "sample") # Download to SQLite Database cardinals <- nc_data_dl(species = 19360, sql_db = "cardinals", username = "sample") ``` .small[ ## Package Source <> ## Support (Tutorials, Examples) <> ] ]