Workshop: Dealing with Data in R

Illustration from the Openscapes blog Tidy Data for
reproducibility, efficiency, and collaboration by Julia Lowndes and Allison Horst

Summarizing & Transforming Data in R

Saving you time and sanity


Compiled: 2024-02-21

First things first

Save previous script

Open New File
(make sure you’re in the RStudio Project)

Write library(tidyverse) at the top

Save this new script
(consider names like summarizing.R or 4_sum_and_trans.R)

Types of Modifications

1. Subset

  • filter() observations (rows)
  • select() variables (columns)

2. Joining data sets

  • left_join(), right_join(), etc.

3. Creating new columns

  • Creating categories
  • Column calculations
  • By group
  • mutate() and group_by()

4. Summarize existing columns

  • Summarizing by group
  • summarize() and group_by()

5. Transpose

  • Going between wide and long data formats
    • pivot_wider() and pivot_longer()
  • Transposing for analysis
  • Transposing for visualizations

Getting ready

Check out the data:

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv")

Using data sets:

# A tibble: 114 × 9
   plot  depth coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt  clay
   <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
 1 CSP01     4       13.0        17.4      19.7        14.1        11.2       8.17  16.3
 2 CSP01    12       10.7        16.9      19.2        14.1        11.7       9.03  18.4
 3 CSP01    35       12.1        17.8      16.1        10.3         9.51      7.47  26.7
 4 CSP01    53       17.6        18.2      14.3         9.4         9.1       8.7   22.7
 5 CSP01    83       21.0        18.4      14.3         9.79        8.79      7.29  20.4
 6 CSP01   105       19.0        18.4      14.4        10.8         9.4       8.22  19.7
 7 CSP08    10       11.6        17.1      20.8        16.3         9.55      6.23  18.4
 8 CSP08    27       15.4        16.2      17.8        14.3        10.4       6.1   19.6
 9 CSP08    90       14.9        15.8      18.6        15.1        11.5       7.56  16.5
10 CSP02     5        8.75        8.64      8.66       12.0        18.3      15.2   28.5
# ℹ 104 more rows


By rows and column

filter() observations

filter() is from dplyr*

* part of the tidyverse

filter(data, expression1, expression2, etc.)
  • tidyverse functions always start with data
  • Column expressions reference actual columns in data
  • Here we use logical statements relating to column values

Hex logo for the dplyr R package

filter() observations

filter() by category

filter(size, plot %in% c("CSP11", "CSP13"))
# A tibble: 9 × 9
  plot  depth coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt  clay
  <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
1 CSP13     2       22.1        17.5      18.3        11.9         7.92      6.05  16.3
2 CSP13    10       12.1        14.9      18          13.1        10.4       7.92  23.6
3 CSP13    25       13.7        12.7      14.3        11.7         9.67      6.31  31.6
4 CSP13    60       27.1         9.74     11.1         9.69        9.79      7.82  24.8
5 CSP13   140       10.4        15.3      16.0        12.4        12.4      10.2   23.5
6 CSP11    20        6.67        3.94      5.52       23.7        23        14.8   22.3
7 CSP11    30        5.27        4.23      6.11       23.6        23.9      15.3   21.6
8 CSP11    47        4.34        4.03      6.62       24.5        25.5      13.8   21.3
9 CSP11   143        5.28        4.26      7.07       22.8        28.0      12.4   20.2

Hex logo for the dplyr R package

Note: To save this as a separate object, don’t forget assignments:

size_sub <- filter(size, plot %in% c("CSP11", "CSP13"))

filter() observations

filter() by measures

filter(size, depth > 140 | depth < 4)
# A tibble: 9 × 9
  plot  depth coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt  clay
  <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
1 CSP13     2       22.1        17.5      18.3         11.9        7.92      6.05  16.3
2 CSP19   190        3.33        4.28     14.2         42.8       21.5       9.92   4  
3 CSP11   143        5.28        4.26      7.07        22.8       28.0      12.4   20.2
4 CSP14     3       16.1        15.0      17.5         12.2       12         9.88  17.3
5 CSP15   146       13.6        12.3      12.5         12.0       18.1      10.4   21.1
6 CSP20     3        5.12        5.09     17.9         25.9       14.3      11.8   19.9
7 CSP20   150       22.7        12.9      12.7         17.7       14.9       7.59  11.5
8 CSP21     3       14.1        11.6      11.9         14.1       15.5      10.4   22.4
9 CSP22   182       17.9        13.6      13.1         13.5       12.6       8.39  20.9

Hex logo for the dplyr R package


Logical Operators

Logical Operators

Possible options

Operator Code
OR |
Greater than >
Less than <
Greater than or equal to >=
Less than or equal to <=
In %in%

Single comparisons

1 < 2
1 != 2

Multiple comparisons

1 == c(1, 2, 1, "apple")
1 %in% c(1, 2, 1, "apple")

c(1, 2, 1, "apple") == 1
c(1, 2, 1, "apple") %in% 1

c(1, 2, 1, "apple") == 1 | c(1, 2, 1, "apple") == 2

Your turn!
In each case, what are you asking?
Do you expect 1 or 4 values?

Back to filter()ing…

filter() observations

Which values are greater than 100 OR less than 4?

size$depth > 140 | size$depth < 4

Return only rows with TRUE

filter(size, depth > 140 | depth < 4)

filter() observations

filter() by a combination use comma

       depth > 100,
       plot %in% c("CSP11", "CSP13"))
# A tibble: 2 × 9
  plot  depth coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt  clay
  <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
1 CSP13   140       10.4        15.3      16.0         12.4        12.4      10.2  23.5
2 CSP11   143        5.28        4.26      7.07        22.8        28.0      12.4  20.2

Equivalent use &

       depth > 100 &
       plot %in% c("CSP11", "CSP13"))

Separate arguments in filter() act like &

select() variables

select() is from dplyr*

* part of the tidyverse

select(data, selection1, selection2, etc.)
  • tidyverse functions always start with data
  • Specify columns to keep or remove
  • Column selections reference actual columns in data

Hex logo for the dplyr R package

select() variables

select() by name

select(size, coarse_sand, medium_sand, fine_sand)
# A tibble: 114 × 3
  coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand
        <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>
1        13.0        17.4      19.7
2        10.7        16.9      19.2
3        12.1        17.8      16.1
4        17.6        18.2      14.3
# ℹ 110 more rows

Using helper functions

select(size, ends_with("sand"))
# A tibble: 114 × 3
  coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand
        <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>
1        13.0        17.4      19.7
2        10.7        16.9      19.2
3        12.1        17.8      16.1
4        17.6        18.2      14.3
# ℹ 110 more rows

Some other helper functions (?select_helpers):

Function Usage
starts_with() starts_with("fine")
contains() contains("sand")
everything() Useful for rearranging
matches() Uses regular expressions

select() variables

Put it all together

To explore the data

size |>
  filter(depth > 100, 
         plot %in% c("CSP13", "CSP25")) |>
  select(plot, depth, ends_with("sand"))
# A tibble: 2 × 5
  plot  depth coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand
  <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>
1 CSP13   140        10.4        15.3      16.0
2 CSP25   130        18.6        21.3      13.8

To save as a separate object

size_sub_sand <- size |>
  filter(depth > 100, 
         plot %in% c("CSP13", "CSP25")) |>
  select(plot, depth, ends_with("sand"))

Your turn: Subsetting

  • Subset the data to variables plot, depth and all measures of sand
  • Keep only values where there is at least 30% clay
size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  filter(???) |>

All particle values are percentages (depth is cm)

Too Easy?
What happens if you select() before you filter()?
How many different ways can you select these columns?

Your turn: Subsetting

  • Subset the data to variables plot, depth and all measures of sand
  • Keep only values where there is at least 30% clay
size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  filter(clay >= 30) |>
  select(plot, depth, ends_with("sand"))

# A tibble: 2 × 5
  plot  depth coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand
  <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>
1 CSP02    36        8.15        9.24      8.55
2 CSP13    25       13.7        12.7      14.3 

Select equivalents:

  • select(plot, depth, ends_with("sand"))
  • select(plot, depth, contains("sand"))
  • select(plot, depth, coarse_sand, medium_sand, fine_sand)
  • select(-coarse_silt, -medium_silt, -fine_silt, -clay)

Your turn: Subsetting (Too Easy?)

What happens if you select() before you filter()?

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  select(plot, depth, ends_with("sand")) |>
  filter(clay >= 30)
Error in `filter()`:
ℹ In argument: `clay >= 30`.
Caused by error:
! object 'clay' not found
  • Lines are sequential
  • First select() removes column clay
  • Then filter() cannot find clay
    • (object 'clay' not found)

Joining or Merging data

Joining data sets


Plot Date n_birds
A 2024-02-21 1
A 2024-03-16 11
A 2024-04-09 2
B 2024-05-03 4
B 2024-05-27 10
B 2024-06-21 21


Plot Vegetation Density
A 50
B 76

Joining them together

Metadata is duplicated to line up with measurements

Plot Date n_birds Vegetation Density
A 2024-02-21 1 50
A 2024-03-16 11 50
A 2024-04-09 2 50
B 2024-05-03 4 76
B 2024-05-27 10 76
B 2024-06-21 21 76

Joining data sets

Index or Metadata

meta <- read_csv("data/grain_meta.csv")
# A tibble: 27 × 4
   plot  habitat   technician date      
   <chr> <chr>     <chr>      <date>    
 1 CSP01 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23
 2 CSP02 forest    Catharine  2009-05-06
 3 CSP03 clearcut  Jason      2008-09-03
 4 CSP04 forest    Catharine  2008-09-29
 5 CSP05 grassland Catharine  2009-02-05
 6 CSP06 grassland Jason      2008-07-01
 7 CSP07 grassland Jason      2008-11-19
 8 CSP08 grassland Catharine  2009-03-02
 9 CSP09 forest    Catharine  2008-08-21
10 CSP10 grassland Jason      2009-02-17
11 CSP11 forest    Jason      2008-09-16
12 CSP12 grassland Catharine  2009-03-28
13 CSP13 grassland Catharine  2008-07-13
14 CSP14 clearcut  Jason      2009-06-01
15 CSP15 forest    Yasir      2008-12-02
# ℹ 12 more rows


size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv")
# A tibble: 114 × 9
   plot  depth coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand coarse_silt
   <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 CSP01     4       13.0        17.4      19.7        14.1 
 2 CSP01    12       10.7        16.9      19.2        14.1 
 3 CSP01    35       12.1        17.8      16.1        10.3 
 4 CSP01    53       17.6        18.2      14.3         9.4 
 5 CSP01    83       21.0        18.4      14.3         9.79
 6 CSP01   105       19.0        18.4      14.4        10.8 
 7 CSP08    10       11.6        17.1      20.8        16.3 
 8 CSP08    27       15.4        16.2      17.8        14.3 
 9 CSP08    90       14.9        15.8      18.6        15.1 
10 CSP02     5        8.75        8.64      8.66       12.0 
11 CSP02    11        9.89        8.68      8.34       10.7 
12 CSP02    36        8.15        9.24      8.55       10.7 
13 CSP02    56       12.0         8.63      8.06       11.1 
14 CSP02    70       17.5        10.5       8.45       11.2 
15 CSP02    78       23.3        15.0      11.0         9.97
# ℹ 99 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: medium_silt <dbl>, fine_silt <dbl>, clay <dbl>

plot (CSP01, CSP02, etc.) identifies data in both

Types of Join: Which rows to keep?

left_join(x, y)

  • Keep all rows in x
  • Keep rows in y only if they’re also in x

Four sets of overlapping circles. The top shows the left circle in yellow overlapping part of the right circle and is labelled left_join. The next shows the right circle in green overlapping part of the left circle and is labelled right_join. The third shows the overlapping area between the two circles in purple and is labelled inner_join. The fourth shows both overlapping circles in blue and is labelled full_join.

Adapted from “R for Data Science”

right_join(x, y)

  • Keep all rows in y
  • Keep rows in x only if they’re also in y

inner_join(x, y)

  • Keep only rows that exist in both data frames

full_join(x, y)

  • Keep all rows that exist in either x or y

Joining data sets

left_join() is from dplyr*

* part of the tidyverse

left_join(x = data, y = data_to_join, by = c("column1", "column2"), ...)
  • tidyverse functions always start with data (x)
  • Here, also need second dataset (y)
  • by refers columns in x and y used to join

Hex logo for the dplyr R package

Joining data sets

Keep all measurements (size), only keep meta if we have a measurement

size <- left_join(x = size, y = meta, by = "plot")
# A tibble: 114 × 12
   plot  depth coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt  clay habitat   technician date      
   <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <chr>     <chr>      <date>    
 1 CSP01     4       13.0        17.4      19.7        14.1        11.2       8.17  16.3 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23
 2 CSP01    12       10.7        16.9      19.2        14.1        11.7       9.03  18.4 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23
 3 CSP01    35       12.1        17.8      16.1        10.3         9.51      7.47  26.7 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23
 4 CSP01    53       17.6        18.2      14.3         9.4         9.1       8.7   22.7 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23
 5 CSP01    83       21.0        18.4      14.3         9.79        8.79      7.29  20.4 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23
 6 CSP01   105       19.0        18.4      14.4        10.8         9.4       8.22  19.7 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23
 7 CSP08    10       11.6        17.1      20.8        16.3         9.55      6.23  18.4 grassland Catharine  2009-03-02
 8 CSP08    27       15.4        16.2      17.8        14.3        10.4       6.1   19.6 grassland Catharine  2009-03-02
 9 CSP08    90       14.9        15.8      18.6        15.1        11.5       7.56  16.5 grassland Catharine  2009-03-02
10 CSP02     5        8.75        8.64      8.66       12.0        18.3      15.2   28.5 forest    Catharine  2009-05-06
# ℹ 104 more rows

For more information see R for Data Science Chapter 19.3 Basic joins

Creating/modifying columns with mutate()

Cartoon of cute fuzzy monsters dressed up as different X-men characters, working together to add a new column to an existing data frame. Stylized title text reads "dplyr::mutate - add columns, keep existing."

Artwork by @allison_horst

Creating new columns

mutate() is from dplyr*

* part of the tidyverse

mutate(data, column1 = expression1, column2 = expression2, ...)
  • tidyverse functions always start with data
  • Create new or modify existing columns in the data
  • Columns filled according to expression

Hex logo for the dplyr R package

Creating new columns

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand)

Creates new column at the end, total_sand

# A tibble: 114 × 10
   plot  depth coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt  clay total_sand
   <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 CSP01     4       13.0        17.4      19.7        14.1        11.2       8.17  16.3       50.1
 2 CSP01    12       10.7        16.9      19.2        14.1        11.7       9.03  18.4       46.8
 3 CSP01    35       12.1        17.8      16.1        10.3         9.51      7.47  26.7       46  
 4 CSP01    53       17.6        18.2      14.3         9.4         9.1       8.7   22.7       50.1
 5 CSP01    83       21.0        18.4      14.3         9.79        8.79      7.29  20.4       53.8
 6 CSP01   105       19.0        18.4      14.4        10.8         9.4       8.22  19.7       51.9
 7 CSP08    10       11.6        17.1      20.8        16.3         9.55      6.23  18.4       49.6
 8 CSP08    27       15.4        16.2      17.8        14.3        10.4       6.1   19.6       49.5
 9 CSP08    90       14.9        15.8      18.6        15.1        11.5       7.56  16.5       49.2
10 CSP02     5        8.75        8.64      8.66       12.0        18.3      15.2   28.5       26.0
# ℹ 104 more rows

Note: Column math is vectorized (i.e., row by row)



Tangent: Vectorized

Vectorized functions run in parallel across vectors

  • Many functions in R are vectorized
  • Makes them faster and easier

For example

a <- c(1, 2, 3)
a + a
a * a
  • But not all functions are vectorized

For example

sum(a, a)
mean(c(a, a))

Back to mutate()

Your turn: Creating new columns

  • Add a calculation for total silt
meta <- read_csv("data/grain_meta.csv")

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  left_join(meta, by = "plot") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand,

Too Easy?
What happens if you add total_sand and total_silt together in the same mutate() function?

Your turn: Creating new columns

  • Add a calculation for total silt
meta <- read_csv("data/grain_meta.csv")

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  left_join(meta, by = "plot") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand,
         total_silt = coarse_silt + medium_silt + fine_silt)

Your turn: Creating new columns (Too Easy?)

What happens if you add total_sand and total_silt together in the same mutate()?

meta <- read_csv("data/grain_meta.csv")

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  left_join(meta, by = "plot") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand,
         total_silt = coarse_silt + medium_silt + fine_silt,
         total = total_sand + total_silt)
  • You get the sum!
  • Lines within mutate() run sequentially
  • You can create total_sand and total_silt in the first two lines then use them in the 3rd
  • But you could not create total_sand and total_silt after using them

Your turn: Creating new columns

  • Check your work
meta <- read_csv("data/grain_meta.csv")

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  left_join(meta, by = "plot") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand,
         total_silt = coarse_silt + medium_silt + fine_silt)

select(size, contains("silt"))
# A tibble: 114 × 4
   coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt total_silt
         <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
 1       14.1        11.2       8.17       33.5
 2       14.1        11.7       9.03       34.8
 3       10.3         9.51      7.47       27.3
 4        9.4         9.1       8.7        27.2
 5        9.79        8.79      7.29       25.9
 6       10.8         9.4       8.22       28.4
 7       16.3         9.55      6.23       32.1
 8       14.3        10.4       6.1        30.8
 9       15.1        11.5       7.56       34.2
10       12.0        18.3      15.2        45.4
# ℹ 104 more rows

Wait… that doesn’t add up!


Decimal points

Where are…

… the decimal points?

  • tibble rounds values for easy viewing
# A tibble: 114 × 14
  plot  depth coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt  clay habitat
  <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <chr>  
1 CSP01     4        13.0        17.4      19.7       14.1        11.2       8.17  16.3 forest 
2 CSP01    12        10.7        16.9      19.2       14.1        11.7       9.03  18.4 forest 
3 CSP01    35        12.1        17.8      16.1       10.3         9.51      7.47  26.7 forest 
4 CSP01    53        17.6        18.2      14.3        9.4         9.1       8.7   22.7 forest 
5 CSP01    83        21.0        18.4      14.3        9.79        8.79      7.29  20.4 forest 
# ℹ 109 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: technician <chr>, date <date>, total_sand <dbl>, total_silt <dbl>

… my data?

# ℹ 109 more rows
# ℹ 5 more variables: technician <chr> ...

To see raw data

  • Click on the name in the Environment pane
  • Or use
     plot depth coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt  clay   habitat
1   CSP01     4       13.04       17.37     19.71       14.12       11.25      8.17 16.30    forest
2   CSP01    12       10.74       16.90     19.15       14.13       11.68      9.03 18.40    forest
3   CSP01    35       12.11       17.75     16.14       10.33        9.51      7.47 26.70    forest
4   CSP01    53       17.61       18.16     14.32        9.40        9.10      8.70 22.70    forest
5   CSP01    83       21.05       18.38     14.34        9.79        8.79      7.29 20.40    forest
6   CSP01   105       19.02       18.43     14.44       10.79        9.40      8.22 19.70    forest
7   CSP08    10       11.60       17.14     20.81       16.30        9.55      6.23 18.40 grassland
8   CSP08    27       15.44       16.25     17.85       14.27       10.44      6.10 19.60 grassland
9   CSP08    90       14.88       15.79     18.57       15.13       11.54      7.56 16.50 grassland
10  CSP02     5        8.75        8.64      8.66       11.96       18.27     15.22 28.50    forest
11  CSP02    11        9.89        8.68      8.34       10.70       18.33     14.30 29.80    forest
12  CSP02    36        8.15        9.24      8.55       10.68       18.96     14.45 30.00    forest
13  CSP02    56       12.02        8.63      8.06       11.08       17.95     13.74 28.50    forest
14  CSP02    70       17.54       10.47      8.45       11.16       16.85     12.99 22.50    forest
15  CSP02    78       23.27       14.96     11.03        9.97       13.79     10.97 16.00    forest
16  CSP02   100       23.22       16.98      9.68       11.17       12.88     11.17 14.90    forest
17  CSP04     5        6.24        8.43     14.15       17.97       14.33     10.57 28.30    forest
18  CSP04    40        6.30        7.92     14.97       17.89       15.48     10.46 27.00    forest
19  CSP04    60        6.66        8.03     14.61       17.32       15.06     10.45 27.90    forest
20  CSP04    80        7.06        8.13     14.83       16.42       15.71     10.20 27.60    forest
21  CSP04   110       12.78        7.66     13.66       16.47       15.37     11.05 23.00    forest
22  CSP05     5       22.48       15.14     15.69       13.43       10.51      6.50 16.20 grassland
23  CSP05    13       13.81       14.24     17.95       16.05       11.83      6.99 19.10 grassland
24  CSP05    32       13.07       12.75     16.06       13.14       10.83      6.62 27.50 grassland
25  CSP05    52       11.88       12.42     14.37       12.15       11.75      8.13 29.30 grassland
26  CSP05    90       13.16       14.13     16.04       13.30       10.84      7.06 25.50 grassland
27  CSP09     8        9.42       12.20     15.17       18.03       14.17      7.62 23.40    forest
28  CSP09    15       10.05       11.51     13.92       16.70       12.24      8.71 26.90    forest
29  CSP09    30       16.17        9.88     11.67       17.64       12.65      8.08 23.90    forest
30  CSP09    48       11.96       11.67     12.70       17.26       13.75      8.37 24.30    forest
31  CSP09    80       20.78        9.92     12.30       16.30       12.60      8.10 20.00    forest
32  CSP12     5       11.49       13.85     17.70       18.04       12.33      8.68 17.90 grassland
33  CSP12    10        7.63       14.03     18.47       19.61       12.83      7.82 19.60 grassland
34  CSP12    30        8.02       14.26     17.33       16.83       12.39      7.43 23.70 grassland
35  CSP12    50       14.06       14.77     17.77       16.15       12.45      7.81 17.00 grassland
36  CSP12    75       10.58       15.20     20.26       16.24       12.18      6.94 18.60 grassland
37  CSP13     2       22.06       17.49     18.32       11.88        7.92      6.05 16.30 grassland
38  CSP13    10       12.06       14.94     18.00       13.06       10.38      7.92 23.60 grassland
39  CSP13    25       13.67       12.68     14.32       11.70        9.67      6.31 31.60 grassland
40  CSP13    60       27.06        9.74     11.11        9.69        9.79      7.82 24.80 grassland
41  CSP13   140       10.36       15.32     15.99       12.35       12.35     10.17 23.50 grassland
42  CSP16     7       23.73       18.29     15.27       10.86       10.43      6.99 14.40    forest
43  CSP16    25       15.42       17.12     16.98       12.17       11.22      8.68 18.40    forest
44  CSP16    49       17.55       15.45     14.10       10.04       11.66      8.10 23.10    forest
45  CSP16    70       19.10       15.73     12.46       10.06       11.42     10.58 20.60    forest
46  CSP16    93        3.50        3.61     11.18       35.79       21.00     12.52 12.40    forest
47  CSP17     5       15.53       15.58     13.36       10.81       12.59     10.29 21.80    forest
48  CSP17    18       13.62       11.95     12.01       11.13       12.16      9.58 29.60    forest
49  CSP17    80       19.66       12.32      9.67       10.15       11.69      8.72 27.80    forest
50  CSP19     6        1.71        2.70      8.05       32.10       19.24     13.18 23.00    forest
51  CSP19    20        2.46        3.08      7.00       29.19       19.07     14.23 25.00    forest
52  CSP19    35        3.75        3.87     10.18       33.82       16.65      9.89 21.90    forest
53  CSP19    60        3.31        4.61     11.31       31.39       18.50     12.06 18.80    forest
54  CSP19    80       25.78       14.13     10.44       10.22       11.04      8.67 19.70    forest
55  CSP19   190        3.33        4.28     14.16       42.78       21.49      9.92  4.00    forest
56  CSP25     6       16.16       17.59     12.49        9.75       13.08     11.97 19.00 grassland
57  CSP25    15       14.35       17.49     11.56       10.04       13.14     10.87 22.60 grassland
58  CSP25    32       13.94       19.19     12.32        9.14       12.64      9.76 23.00 grassland
59  CSP25    65       20.59       19.53      9.44        7.07       12.40      9.74 21.20 grassland
60  CSP25    79       16.60       18.54     10.57        8.18       10.59     12.37 23.20 grassland
61  CSP25   130       18.56       21.31     13.82        8.07       10.30      7.44 20.50 grassland
62  CSP03     6       10.40       13.21     10.53       12.39       17.79     11.54 24.14  clearcut
63  CSP03    25       12.62       10.38     10.22       13.34       18.13      9.48 25.84  clearcut
64  CSP03    38       10.02        9.52      9.15       12.71       18.75     11.87 27.97  clearcut
65  CSP03   100        6.08        8.01      9.38       13.55       22.65     12.00 28.34  clearcut
66  CSP06     5       12.43       10.45     11.52       23.26       15.36     10.31 16.68 grassland
67  CSP06    20       14.26       13.34     11.67       19.52       16.90      8.40 15.92 grassland
68  CSP06    30       10.89       13.13     13.42       20.89       17.62      6.01 18.04 grassland
69  CSP06    40       10.77       11.66     11.54       23.91       22.86      5.37 13.90 grassland
70  CSP06   100       19.15       13.87     10.99       24.20       20.90      4.90  6.00 grassland
71  CSP07    14       13.94       10.32     20.56       22.22       13.36      4.93 14.67 grassland
72  CSP07    28        7.04        7.89     15.97       19.68       12.90      7.65 28.86 grassland
73  CSP07    48        6.89        8.49     18.67       17.51       14.39      6.66 27.39 grassland
74  CSP10     4       11.25        8.19      9.27       16.55       19.47      9.00 26.28 grassland
75  CSP10    27        9.34        9.04     10.85       18.15       21.61      9.18 21.82 grassland
76  CSP10    64       24.18       12.45      9.15       14.59       15.55      8.10 15.98 grassland
77  CSP11    20        6.67        3.94      5.52       23.67       23.00     14.85 22.33    forest
78  CSP11    30        5.27        4.23      6.11       23.56       23.88     15.31 21.63    forest
79  CSP11    47        4.34        4.03      6.62       24.48       25.47     13.78 21.28    forest
80  CSP11   143        5.28        4.26      7.07       22.75       27.98     12.41 20.25    forest
81  CSP14     3       16.08       15.01     17.49       12.24       12.00      9.88 17.30  clearcut
82  CSP14    16       18.86       16.88     15.28       11.29       12.71      7.28 17.70  clearcut
83  CSP14    31       17.91       16.48     15.54       12.04       12.78      7.14 18.11  clearcut
84  CSP14    40       31.80       15.91     11.00       10.24       10.88      4.27 15.90  clearcut
85  CSP15    52       13.51       13.56     13.54       13.04       16.38      9.59 20.37    forest
86  CSP15   146       13.63       12.31     12.49       11.98       18.07     10.40 21.12    forest
87  CSP18    14        6.68        7.65     13.88       20.54       18.22      7.84 25.18 grassland
88  CSP18    29        7.19        7.42     12.96       22.32       14.05     10.75 25.32 grassland
89  CSP18    73        5.76        8.32     14.03       19.40       15.35      9.65 27.49 grassland
90  CSP20     3        5.12        5.09     17.90       25.87       14.30     11.83 19.89    forest
91  CSP20    20        4.69        5.22     16.91       25.84       16.26     10.47 20.60    forest
92  CSP20    38        5.21        5.63     18.37       26.42       16.54      8.49 19.33    forest
93  CSP20    97        4.70        6.03     18.99       26.83       16.08     11.39 15.97    forest
94  CSP20   150       22.73       12.94     12.66       17.71       14.87      7.59 11.49    forest
95  CSP21     3       14.14       11.59     11.94       14.08       15.49     10.37 22.40 grassland
96  CSP21    11       15.52       12.04     12.03       14.84       13.92     10.24 21.40 grassland
97  CSP21    38       10.79       11.56     13.18       16.09       15.85     10.05 22.47 grassland
98  CSP22     6        7.74        7.49     14.99       18.00       16.14     10.57 25.08    forest
99  CSP22    13        4.52        6.49     16.09       20.93       15.75     11.59 24.64    forest
100 CSP22    22        3.63        6.02     15.32       19.42       13.57     12.69 29.35    forest
101 CSP22    51        9.66        7.51     13.29       18.90       15.93      9.89 24.83    forest
102 CSP22    77       17.43       11.04     11.04       16.11       14.87     10.50 19.02    forest
103 CSP22   182       17.93       13.61     13.11       13.50       12.58      8.39 20.87    forest
104 CSP23    12       25.78       20.90     13.80       10.69        9.83      6.37 12.63 grassland
105 CSP23    46       26.04       18.48     12.08        9.15        8.72      5.71 19.81 grassland
106 CSP23    48       33.55       19.27      9.53        7.05        8.40      3.94 18.26 grassland
107 CSP24    10       24.04       21.57     11.56        9.26        9.70      7.36 16.51    forest
108 CSP24    30       21.80       22.22     11.79       10.20        8.00      8.00 17.99    forest
109 CSP24    47       23.57       18.66     11.84        9.33        9.12      7.21 20.26    forest
110 CSP26     4       30.33       15.40     10.25        6.80        8.66      8.25 20.31  clearcut
111 CSP26    15       39.97       13.97      8.50        6.73        7.85      7.06 15.92  clearcut
112 CSP26    34       26.52       17.93      8.92        7.21        9.21      8.61 21.62  clearcut
113 CSP26    80       18.93       19.73     10.88        7.33       13.02      5.40 24.69  clearcut
114 CSP27    10       28.52       16.88     12.94        9.98        9.76      6.80 15.13 grassland
    technician       date total_sand total_silt
1    Catharine 2009-04-23      50.12      33.54
2    Catharine 2009-04-23      46.79      34.84
3    Catharine 2009-04-23      46.00      27.31
4    Catharine 2009-04-23      50.09      27.20
5    Catharine 2009-04-23      53.77      25.87
6    Catharine 2009-04-23      51.89      28.41
7    Catharine 2009-03-02      49.55      32.08
8    Catharine 2009-03-02      49.54      30.81
9    Catharine 2009-03-02      49.24      34.23
10   Catharine 2009-05-06      26.05      45.45
11   Catharine 2009-05-06      26.91      43.33
12   Catharine 2009-05-06      25.94      44.09
13   Catharine 2009-05-06      28.71      42.77
14   Catharine 2009-05-06      36.46      41.00
15   Catharine 2009-05-06      49.26      34.73
16   Catharine 2009-05-06      49.88      35.22
17   Catharine 2008-09-29      28.82      42.87
18   Catharine 2008-09-29      29.19      43.83
19   Catharine 2008-09-29      29.30      42.83
20   Catharine 2008-09-29      30.02      42.33
21   Catharine 2008-09-29      34.10      42.89
22   Catharine 2009-02-05      53.31      30.44
23   Catharine 2009-02-05      46.00      34.87
24   Catharine 2009-02-05      41.88      30.59
25   Catharine 2009-02-05      38.67      32.03
26   Catharine 2009-02-05      43.33      31.20
27   Catharine 2008-08-21      36.79      39.82
28   Catharine 2008-08-21      35.48      37.65
29   Catharine 2008-08-21      37.72      38.37
30   Catharine 2008-08-21      36.33      39.38
31   Catharine 2008-08-21      43.00      37.00
32   Catharine 2009-03-28      43.04      39.05
33   Catharine 2009-03-28      40.13      40.26
34   Catharine 2009-03-28      39.61      36.65
35   Catharine 2009-03-28      46.60      36.41
36   Catharine 2009-03-28      46.04      35.36
37   Catharine 2008-07-13      57.87      25.85
38   Catharine 2008-07-13      45.00      31.36
39   Catharine 2008-07-13      40.67      27.68
40   Catharine 2008-07-13      47.91      27.30
41   Catharine 2008-07-13      41.67      34.87
42   Catharine 2008-08-08      57.29      28.28
43   Catharine 2008-08-08      49.52      32.07
44   Catharine 2008-08-08      47.10      29.80
45   Catharine 2008-08-08      47.29      32.06
46   Catharine 2008-08-08      18.29      69.31
47       Jason 2009-05-19      44.47      33.69
48       Jason 2009-05-19      37.58      32.87
49       Jason 2009-05-19      41.65      30.56
50       Jason 2008-07-26      12.46      64.52
51       Jason 2008-07-26      12.54      62.49
52       Jason 2008-07-26      17.80      60.36
53       Jason 2008-07-26      19.23      61.95
54       Jason 2008-07-26      50.35      29.93
55       Jason 2008-07-26      21.77      74.19
56       Jason 2008-12-15      46.24      34.80
57       Jason 2008-12-15      43.40      34.05
58       Jason 2008-12-15      45.45      31.54
59       Jason 2008-12-15      49.56      29.21
60       Jason 2008-12-15      45.71      31.14
61       Jason 2008-12-15      53.69      25.81
62       Jason 2008-09-03      34.14      41.72
63       Jason 2008-09-03      33.22      40.95
64       Jason 2008-09-03      28.69      43.33
65       Jason 2008-09-03      23.47      48.20
66       Jason 2008-07-01      34.40      48.93
67       Jason 2008-07-01      39.27      44.82
68       Jason 2008-07-01      37.44      44.52
69       Jason 2008-07-01      33.97      52.14
70       Jason 2008-07-01      44.01      50.00
71       Jason 2008-11-19      44.82      40.51
72       Jason 2008-11-19      30.90      40.23
73       Jason 2008-11-19      34.05      38.56
74       Jason 2009-02-17      28.71      45.02
75       Jason 2009-02-17      29.23      48.94
76       Jason 2009-02-17      45.78      38.24
77       Jason 2008-09-16      16.13      61.52
78       Jason 2008-09-16      15.61      62.75
79       Jason 2008-09-16      14.99      63.73
80       Jason 2008-09-16      16.61      63.14
81       Jason 2009-06-01      48.58      34.12
82       Jason 2009-06-01      51.02      31.28
83       Jason 2009-06-01      49.93      31.96
84       Jason 2009-06-01      58.71      25.39
85       Yasir 2008-12-02      40.61      39.01
86       Yasir 2008-12-02      38.43      40.45
87       Yasir 2009-04-10      28.21      46.60
88       Yasir 2009-04-10      27.57      47.12
89       Yasir 2009-04-10      28.11      44.40
90       Yasir 2009-01-23      28.11      52.00
91       Yasir 2009-01-23      26.82      52.57
92       Yasir 2009-01-23      29.21      51.45
93       Yasir 2009-01-23      29.72      54.30
94       Yasir 2009-01-23      48.33      40.17
95       Yasir 2009-03-15      37.67      39.94
96       Yasir 2009-03-15      39.59      39.00
97       Yasir 2009-03-15      35.53      41.99
98       Yasir 2008-12-28      30.22      44.71
99       Yasir 2008-12-28      27.10      48.27
100      Yasir 2008-12-28      24.97      45.68
101      Yasir 2008-12-28      30.46      44.72
102      Yasir 2008-12-28      39.51      41.48
103      Yasir 2008-12-28      44.65      34.47
104      Yasir 2008-10-12      60.48      26.89
105      Yasir 2008-10-12      56.60      23.58
106      Yasir 2008-10-12      62.35      19.39
107      Yasir 2008-10-24      57.17      26.32
108      Yasir 2008-10-24      55.81      26.20
109      Yasir 2008-10-24      54.07      25.66
110      Yasir 2008-11-06      55.98      23.71
111      Yasir 2008-11-06      62.44      21.64
112      Yasir 2008-11-06      53.37      25.03
113      Yasir 2008-11-06      49.54      25.75
114      Yasir 2009-01-10      58.34      26.54

To see all rows

  • Use print()
print(size, n = Inf)
# A tibble: 114 × 14
    plot  depth coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt  clay habitat  
    <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    
  1 CSP01     4       13.0        17.4      19.7        14.1        11.2       8.17  16.3 forest   
  2 CSP01    12       10.7        16.9      19.2        14.1        11.7       9.03  18.4 forest   
  3 CSP01    35       12.1        17.8      16.1        10.3         9.51      7.47  26.7 forest   
  4 CSP01    53       17.6        18.2      14.3         9.4         9.1       8.7   22.7 forest   
  5 CSP01    83       21.0        18.4      14.3         9.79        8.79      7.29  20.4 forest   
  6 CSP01   105       19.0        18.4      14.4        10.8         9.4       8.22  19.7 forest   
  7 CSP08    10       11.6        17.1      20.8        16.3         9.55      6.23  18.4 grassland
  8 CSP08    27       15.4        16.2      17.8        14.3        10.4       6.1   19.6 grassland
  9 CSP08    90       14.9        15.8      18.6        15.1        11.5       7.56  16.5 grassland
 10 CSP02     5        8.75        8.64      8.66       12.0        18.3      15.2   28.5 forest   
 11 CSP02    11        9.89        8.68      8.34       10.7        18.3      14.3   29.8 forest   
 12 CSP02    36        8.15        9.24      8.55       10.7        19.0      14.4   30   forest   
 13 CSP02    56       12.0         8.63      8.06       11.1        18.0      13.7   28.5 forest   
 14 CSP02    70       17.5        10.5       8.45       11.2        16.8      13.0   22.5 forest   
 15 CSP02    78       23.3        15.0      11.0         9.97       13.8      11.0   16   forest   
 16 CSP02   100       23.2        17.0       9.68       11.2        12.9      11.2   14.9 forest   
 17 CSP04     5        6.24        8.43     14.2        18.0        14.3      10.6   28.3 forest   
 18 CSP04    40        6.3         7.92     15.0        17.9        15.5      10.5   27   forest   
 19 CSP04    60        6.66        8.03     14.6        17.3        15.1      10.4   27.9 forest   
 20 CSP04    80        7.06        8.13     14.8        16.4        15.7      10.2   27.6 forest   
 21 CSP04   110       12.8         7.66     13.7        16.5        15.4      11.0   23   forest   
 22 CSP05     5       22.5        15.1      15.7        13.4        10.5       6.5   16.2 grassland
 23 CSP05    13       13.8        14.2      18.0        16.0        11.8       6.99  19.1 grassland
 24 CSP05    32       13.1        12.8      16.1        13.1        10.8       6.62  27.5 grassland
 25 CSP05    52       11.9        12.4      14.4        12.2        11.8       8.13  29.3 grassland
 26 CSP05    90       13.2        14.1      16.0        13.3        10.8       7.06  25.5 grassland
 27 CSP09     8        9.42       12.2      15.2        18.0        14.2       7.62  23.4 forest   
 28 CSP09    15       10.0        11.5      13.9        16.7        12.2       8.71  26.9 forest   
 29 CSP09    30       16.2         9.88     11.7        17.6        12.6       8.08  23.9 forest   
 30 CSP09    48       12.0        11.7      12.7        17.3        13.8       8.37  24.3 forest   
 31 CSP09    80       20.8         9.92     12.3        16.3        12.6       8.1   20   forest   
 32 CSP12     5       11.5        13.8      17.7        18.0        12.3       8.68  17.9 grassland
 33 CSP12    10        7.63       14.0      18.5        19.6        12.8       7.82  19.6 grassland
 34 CSP12    30        8.02       14.3      17.3        16.8        12.4       7.43  23.7 grassland
 35 CSP12    50       14.1        14.8      17.8        16.2        12.4       7.81  17   grassland
 36 CSP12    75       10.6        15.2      20.3        16.2        12.2       6.94  18.6 grassland
 37 CSP13     2       22.1        17.5      18.3        11.9         7.92      6.05  16.3 grassland
 38 CSP13    10       12.1        14.9      18          13.1        10.4       7.92  23.6 grassland
 39 CSP13    25       13.7        12.7      14.3        11.7         9.67      6.31  31.6 grassland
 40 CSP13    60       27.1         9.74     11.1         9.69        9.79      7.82  24.8 grassland
 41 CSP13   140       10.4        15.3      16.0        12.4        12.4      10.2   23.5 grassland
 42 CSP16     7       23.7        18.3      15.3        10.9        10.4       6.99  14.4 forest   
 43 CSP16    25       15.4        17.1      17.0        12.2        11.2       8.68  18.4 forest   
 44 CSP16    49       17.6        15.4      14.1        10.0        11.7       8.1   23.1 forest   
 45 CSP16    70       19.1        15.7      12.5        10.1        11.4      10.6   20.6 forest   
 46 CSP16    93        3.5         3.61     11.2        35.8        21        12.5   12.4 forest   
 47 CSP17     5       15.5        15.6      13.4        10.8        12.6      10.3   21.8 forest   
 48 CSP17    18       13.6        12.0      12.0        11.1        12.2       9.58  29.6 forest   
 49 CSP17    80       19.7        12.3       9.67       10.2        11.7       8.72  27.8 forest   
 50 CSP19     6        1.71        2.7       8.05       32.1        19.2      13.2   23   forest   
 51 CSP19    20        2.46        3.08      7          29.2        19.1      14.2   25   forest   
 52 CSP19    35        3.75        3.87     10.2        33.8        16.6       9.89  21.9 forest   
 53 CSP19    60        3.31        4.61     11.3        31.4        18.5      12.1   18.8 forest   
 54 CSP19    80       25.8        14.1      10.4        10.2        11.0       8.67  19.7 forest   
 55 CSP19   190        3.33        4.28     14.2        42.8        21.5       9.92   4   forest   
 56 CSP25     6       16.2        17.6      12.5         9.75       13.1      12.0   19   grassland
 57 CSP25    15       14.4        17.5      11.6        10.0        13.1      10.9   22.6 grassland
 58 CSP25    32       13.9        19.2      12.3         9.14       12.6       9.76  23   grassland
 59 CSP25    65       20.6        19.5       9.44        7.07       12.4       9.74  21.2 grassland
 60 CSP25    79       16.6        18.5      10.6         8.18       10.6      12.4   23.2 grassland
 61 CSP25   130       18.6        21.3      13.8         8.07       10.3       7.44  20.5 grassland
 62 CSP03     6       10.4        13.2      10.5        12.4        17.8      11.5   24.1 clearcut 
 63 CSP03    25       12.6        10.4      10.2        13.3        18.1       9.48  25.8 clearcut 
 64 CSP03    38       10.0         9.52      9.15       12.7        18.8      11.9   28.0 clearcut 
 65 CSP03   100        6.08        8.01      9.38       13.6        22.6      12     28.3 clearcut 
 66 CSP06     5       12.4        10.4      11.5        23.3        15.4      10.3   16.7 grassland
 67 CSP06    20       14.3        13.3      11.7        19.5        16.9       8.4   15.9 grassland
 68 CSP06    30       10.9        13.1      13.4        20.9        17.6       6.01  18.0 grassland
 69 CSP06    40       10.8        11.7      11.5        23.9        22.9       5.37  13.9 grassland
 70 CSP06   100       19.2        13.9      11.0        24.2        20.9       4.9    6   grassland
 71 CSP07    14       13.9        10.3      20.6        22.2        13.4       4.93  14.7 grassland
 72 CSP07    28        7.04        7.89     16.0        19.7        12.9       7.65  28.9 grassland
 73 CSP07    48        6.89        8.49     18.7        17.5        14.4       6.66  27.4 grassland
 74 CSP10     4       11.2         8.19      9.27       16.6        19.5       9     26.3 grassland
 75 CSP10    27        9.34        9.04     10.8        18.2        21.6       9.18  21.8 grassland
 76 CSP10    64       24.2        12.4       9.15       14.6        15.6       8.1   16.0 grassland
 77 CSP11    20        6.67        3.94      5.52       23.7        23        14.8   22.3 forest   
 78 CSP11    30        5.27        4.23      6.11       23.6        23.9      15.3   21.6 forest   
 79 CSP11    47        4.34        4.03      6.62       24.5        25.5      13.8   21.3 forest   
 80 CSP11   143        5.28        4.26      7.07       22.8        28.0      12.4   20.2 forest   
 81 CSP14     3       16.1        15.0      17.5        12.2        12         9.88  17.3 clearcut 
 82 CSP14    16       18.9        16.9      15.3        11.3        12.7       7.28  17.7 clearcut 
 83 CSP14    31       17.9        16.5      15.5        12.0        12.8       7.14  18.1 clearcut 
 84 CSP14    40       31.8        15.9      11          10.2        10.9       4.27  15.9 clearcut 
 85 CSP15    52       13.5        13.6      13.5        13.0        16.4       9.59  20.4 forest   
 86 CSP15   146       13.6        12.3      12.5        12.0        18.1      10.4   21.1 forest   
 87 CSP18    14        6.68        7.65     13.9        20.5        18.2       7.84  25.2 grassland
 88 CSP18    29        7.19        7.42     13.0        22.3        14.0      10.8   25.3 grassland
 89 CSP18    73        5.76        8.32     14.0        19.4        15.4       9.65  27.5 grassland
 90 CSP20     3        5.12        5.09     17.9        25.9        14.3      11.8   19.9 forest   
 91 CSP20    20        4.69        5.22     16.9        25.8        16.3      10.5   20.6 forest   
 92 CSP20    38        5.21        5.63     18.4        26.4        16.5       8.49  19.3 forest   
 93 CSP20    97        4.7         6.03     19.0        26.8        16.1      11.4   16.0 forest   
 94 CSP20   150       22.7        12.9      12.7        17.7        14.9       7.59  11.5 forest   
 95 CSP21     3       14.1        11.6      11.9        14.1        15.5      10.4   22.4 grassland
 96 CSP21    11       15.5        12.0      12.0        14.8        13.9      10.2   21.4 grassland
 97 CSP21    38       10.8        11.6      13.2        16.1        15.8      10.0   22.5 grassland
 98 CSP22     6        7.74        7.49     15.0        18          16.1      10.6   25.1 forest   
 99 CSP22    13        4.52        6.49     16.1        20.9        15.8      11.6   24.6 forest   
100 CSP22    22        3.63        6.02     15.3        19.4        13.6      12.7   29.4 forest   
101 CSP22    51        9.66        7.51     13.3        18.9        15.9       9.89  24.8 forest   
102 CSP22    77       17.4        11.0      11.0        16.1        14.9      10.5   19.0 forest   
103 CSP22   182       17.9        13.6      13.1        13.5        12.6       8.39  20.9 forest   
104 CSP23    12       25.8        20.9      13.8        10.7         9.83      6.37  12.6 grassland
105 CSP23    46       26.0        18.5      12.1         9.15        8.72      5.71  19.8 grassland
106 CSP23    48       33.6        19.3       9.53        7.05        8.4       3.94  18.3 grassland
107 CSP24    10       24.0        21.6      11.6         9.26        9.7       7.36  16.5 forest   
108 CSP24    30       21.8        22.2      11.8        10.2         8         8     18.0 forest   
109 CSP24    47       23.6        18.7      11.8         9.33        9.12      7.21  20.3 forest   
110 CSP26     4       30.3        15.4      10.2         6.8         8.66      8.25  20.3 clearcut 
111 CSP26    15       40.0        14.0       8.5         6.73        7.85      7.06  15.9 clearcut 
112 CSP26    34       26.5        17.9       8.92        7.21        9.21      8.61  21.6 clearcut 
113 CSP26    80       18.9        19.7      10.9         7.33       13.0       5.4   24.7 clearcut 
114 CSP27    10       28.5        16.9      12.9         9.98        9.76      6.8   15.1 grassland
# ℹ 4 more variables: technician <chr>, date <date>, total_sand <dbl>, total_silt <dbl>

Back to mutate()

Mutating by group

group_by() and ungroup() are from dplyr*

* part of the tidyverse

group_by(data, column1, column2)
  • tidyverse functions always start with data
  • group_by() applies grouping according to specified data columns
  • ungroup() removes grouping from data

Hex logo for the dplyr R package

Mutating by group

mutate() without grouping

size <- size |>
  mutate(mean_sand_all = mean(total_sand))
# A tibble: 114 × 3
   plot  total_sand mean_sand_all
   <chr>      <dbl>         <dbl>
 1 CSP01       50.1          39.6
 2 CSP01       46.8          39.6
 3 CSP01       46            39.6
 4 CSP01       50.1          39.6
 5 CSP01       53.8          39.6
 6 CSP01       51.9          39.6
 7 CSP08       49.6          39.6
 8 CSP08       49.5          39.6
 9 CSP08       49.2          39.6
10 CSP02       26.0          39.6
# ℹ 104 more rows

Overall mean calculated

Grouping via group_by():

size <- size |>
  group_by(plot) |>
  mutate(mean_sand_plot = mean(total_sand)) |>
# A tibble: 114 × 3
  plot  total_sand mean_sand_plot
  <chr>      <dbl>          <dbl>
1 CSP01       50.1           49.8
2 CSP01       46.8           49.8
3 CSP01       46             49.8
4 CSP01       50.1           49.8
5 CSP01       53.8           49.8
6 CSP01       51.9           49.8
7 CSP08       49.6           49.4
8 CSP08       49.5           49.4
# ℹ 106 more rows

Mean calculated for each group (i.e. plot)

Always remember to ungroup() your data!

Artwork by @allison_horst

Your turn: Mutating by group

Add a column containing the mean amount of total silt per plot

meta <- read_csv("data/grain_meta.csv")

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  left_join(meta, by = "plot") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand,
         total_silt = coarse_silt + medium_silt + fine_silt) |>
  ??? |>   
  ??? |>   

Too Easy?
See ?mutate
Can you do the same thing without using group_by()?

Your turn: Mutating by group

Add a column containing the mean amount of total silt per plot

meta <- read_csv("data/grain_meta.csv")

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  left_join(meta, by = "plot") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand,
         total_silt = coarse_silt + medium_silt + fine_silt) |>
  group_by(plot) |>
  mutate(mean_silt = mean(total_silt)) |>
# A tibble: 114 × 6
   plot  coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt total_silt mean_silt
   <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 CSP01       14.1        11.2       8.17       33.5      29.5
 2 CSP01       14.1        11.7       9.03       34.8      29.5
 3 CSP01       10.3         9.51      7.47       27.3      29.5
 4 CSP01        9.4         9.1       8.7        27.2      29.5
 5 CSP01        9.79        8.79      7.29       25.9      29.5
 6 CSP01       10.8         9.4       8.22       28.4      29.5
 7 CSP08       16.3         9.55      6.23       32.1      32.4
 8 CSP08       14.3        10.4       6.1        30.8      32.4
 9 CSP08       15.1        11.5       7.56       34.2      32.4
10 CSP02       12.0        18.3      15.2        45.4      40.9
# ℹ 104 more rows

Too Easy? You could also use
mutate(mean_silt = mean(total_silt), .by = "plot")

Put it all together

meta <- read_csv("data/grain_meta.csv")

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  left_join(meta, by = "plot") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand,
         total_silt = coarse_silt + medium_silt + fine_silt) |>
  group_by(plot) |>
  mutate(mean_sand = mean(total_sand),
         mean_silt = mean(total_silt)) |> 

Check it out

select(size, plot, depth, total_sand, total_silt, mean_sand, mean_silt)
# A tibble: 114 × 6
   plot  depth total_sand total_silt mean_sand mean_silt
   <chr> <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 CSP01     4       50.1       33.5      49.8      29.5
 2 CSP01    12       46.8       34.8      49.8      29.5
 3 CSP01    35       46         27.3      49.8      29.5
 4 CSP01    53       50.1       27.2      49.8      29.5
 5 CSP01    83       53.8       25.9      49.8      29.5
 6 CSP01   105       51.9       28.4      49.8      29.5
 7 CSP08    10       49.6       32.1      49.4      32.4
 8 CSP08    27       49.5       30.8      49.4      32.4
 9 CSP08    90       49.2       34.2      49.4      32.4
10 CSP02     5       26.0       45.4      34.7      40.9
# ℹ 104 more rows


Summarizing by group

summarize() is from dplyr*

* part of the tidyverse

summarize(data, column1 = expression1, column2 = expression2)
  • tidyverse functions always start with data
  • summarize() collapses data
  • Creates new columns
  • Columns filled according to expression

Hex logo for the dplyr R package

Summarizing by group

  • Similar to mutate(), but collapses rows whereas mutate() repeats data


size <- size |>
  group_by(plot) |>
  mutate(mean_sand = mean(total_sand)) |>

select(size, plot, contains("sand"))
# A tibble: 114 × 6
   plot  coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand total_sand mean_sand
   <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 CSP01       13.0        17.4      19.7        50.1      49.8
 2 CSP01       10.7        16.9      19.2        46.8      49.8
 3 CSP01       12.1        17.8      16.1        46        49.8
 4 CSP01       17.6        18.2      14.3        50.1      49.8
 5 CSP01       21.0        18.4      14.3        53.8      49.8
 6 CSP01       19.0        18.4      14.4        51.9      49.8
 7 CSP08       11.6        17.1      20.8        49.6      49.4
 8 CSP08       15.4        16.2      17.8        49.5      49.4
 9 CSP08       14.9        15.8      18.6        49.2      49.4
10 CSP02        8.75        8.64      8.66       26.0      34.7
# ℹ 104 more rows

Repeated values

Summarizing by group

  • Similar to mutate(), but collapses rows whereas mutate() repeats data


size <- size |>
  group_by(plot) |>
  summarize(mean_sand = mean(total_sand), .groups = "drop")

# A tibble: 27 × 2
   plot  mean_sand
   <chr>     <dbl>
 1 CSP01      49.8
 2 CSP02      34.7
 3 CSP03      29.9
 4 CSP04      30.3
 5 CSP05      44.6
 6 CSP06      37.8
 7 CSP07      36.6
 8 CSP08      49.4
 9 CSP09      37.9
10 CSP10      34.6
# ℹ 17 more rows

No repeated values and
drops unused columns

We use .groups = "drop" to ungroup and avoid messages
You could also just use ungroup()

Summarizing by group

  • Keep other id columns by adding them to group_by()
  • Beware: think carefully about grouping variables!
size |> 
  group_by(plot, depth) |>
  summarize(mean_sand = mean(total_sand), .groups = "drop")
# A tibble: 114 × 3
   plot  depth mean_sand
   <chr> <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 CSP01     4      50.1
 2 CSP01    12      46.8
 3 CSP01    35      46  
 4 CSP01    53      50.1
 5 CSP01    83      53.8
 6 CSP01   105      51.9
 7 CSP02     5      26.0
 8 CSP02    11      26.9
 9 CSP02    36      25.9
10 CSP02    56      28.7
# ℹ 104 more rows

depth is not a category, therefore not an appropriate grouping factor

Summarizing by group

  • Use true groups of interest (e.g., Sex, Age)
  • Or use factors which are on the same level (e.g., ID columns)
size |> 
  group_by(plot, habitat) |>
  summarize(mean_sand = mean(total_sand), .groups = "drop")
# A tibble: 27 × 3
   plot  habitat   mean_sand
   <chr> <chr>         <dbl>
 1 CSP01 forest         49.8
 2 CSP02 forest         34.7
 3 CSP03 clearcut       29.9
 4 CSP04 forest         30.3
 5 CSP05 grassland      44.6
 6 CSP06 grassland      37.8
 7 CSP07 grassland      36.6
 8 CSP08 grassland      49.4
 9 CSP09 forest         37.9
10 CSP10 grassland      34.6
# ℹ 17 more rows

Better: habitat varies with plot (alternatively could have Joined later)

Summarizing by group

Summarizing is an excellent way to calculate statistics to describe your data

Statistic Function(s)
sample sizes / total counts n()*
means mean(x)
standard deviations sd(x)
standard errors sd(x) / sqrt(n())**
total values sum(x)

Where x is the column you want to calculate a summary statistic for
And no, n() is not missing an x 😉

* Special function, can only be used inside of mutate() or summarize()
** There is no standard error function in R, but we can calculate it by hand

Summarizing by group

n() is from dplyr*

* part of the tidyverse

  • Helper tidyverse function which does NOT start with data
  • Returns row counts according to groups (if present)
  • Can only be used inside mutate() or summarize()

Hex logo for the dplyr R package

For example…

size |>
  group_by(plot) |>
  summarize(samples_total = n(), 
            .groups = "drop")
# A tibble: 27 × 2
  plot  samples_total
  <chr>         <int>
1 CSP01             6
2 CSP02             7
3 CSP03             4
4 CSP04             5
5 CSP05             5
6 CSP06             5
7 CSP07             3
8 CSP08             3
# ℹ 19 more rows

Your Turn: Calculate summary statistics

For each plot and habitat, calculate

  • means for total_silt with mean(x)
  • standard deviations for total_silt with sd(x)
  • standard errors for total_sand and total_silt with sd(x)/sqrt(n())
meta <- read_csv("data/grain_meta.csv")

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  left_join(meta, by = "plot") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand,
         total_silt = coarse_silt + medium_silt + fine_silt)

size_sum <- size |>
  group_by(plot, habitat) |>
  summarize(sample_size = n(),                         
            mean_sand = mean(total_sand),          
            sd_sand = sd(total_sand),    
            se_sand = ???,

Too Easy?
Can you recycle some of the calculated values into the next statistic?

What if you only wanted to calculate the mean of each column…
can you use the across() function to do this elegantly?

Your Turn: Calculate summary statistics

For each plot and habitat, calculate

  • sample sizes with n()
  • means for total_sand and total_silt with mean(x)
  • standard deviations for total_sand and total_silt with sd(x)
  • standard errors for total_sand and total_silt with sd(x)/sqrt(n(x))
meta <- read_csv("data/grain_meta.csv")

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  left_join(meta, by = "plot") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand,
         total_silt = coarse_silt + medium_silt + fine_silt)

size_sum <- size |>
  group_by(plot, habitat) |>
  summarize(sample_size = n(),                         
            mean_sand = mean(total_sand),          
            sd_sand = sd(total_sand),              
            se_sand = sd_sand / sqrt(sample_size),     
            mean_silt = mean(total_silt),          
            sd_silt = sd(total_silt),              
            se_silt = sd_silt / sqrt(sample_size))     

Your Turn: Calculate summary statistics

Check your work

# A tibble: 27 × 9
# Groups:   plot [27]
   plot  habitat   sample_size mean_sand sd_sand se_sand mean_silt sd_silt se_silt
   <chr> <chr>           <int>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 CSP01 forest              6      49.8   2.96    1.21       29.5   3.72    1.52 
 2 CSP02 forest              7      34.7  10.8     4.06       40.9   4.29    1.62 
 3 CSP03 clearcut            4      29.9   4.89    2.45       43.6   3.25    1.63 
 4 CSP04 forest              5      30.3   2.18    0.973      43.0   0.544   0.243
 5 CSP05 grassland           5      44.6   5.52    2.47       31.8   1.81    0.811
 6 CSP06 grassland           5      37.8   4.10    1.83       48.1   3.32    1.49 
 7 CSP07 grassland           3      36.6   7.30    4.21       39.8   1.05    0.609
 8 CSP08 grassland           3      49.4   0.176   0.102      32.4   1.73    0.998
 9 CSP09 forest              5      37.9   2.98    1.33       38.4   1.17    0.524
10 CSP10 grassland           3      34.6   9.71    5.61       44.1   5.41    3.13 
# ℹ 17 more rows


Let’s talk about tidy data

Upcoming illustrations from the Openscapes blog Tidy Data for reproducibility, efficiency, and collaboration
by Julia Lowndes and Allison Horst

Tidy Data

id name colour age mass (lb)
1 floof grey 10 7
1 floof grey 12 7.5
2 max black 1 5
2 max black 2 6
3 cat orange 5 10
3 cat orange 7 12


id name colour age1 mass1 age2 mass2
1 floof grey 10 7 12 7.5
2 max black 1 5 2 6
3 cat orange 5 10 7 12

Long data
One measurement per row

Wide data
Several measurements per row

Why do we care?

Why do we care?

country 1999 2000
Afghanistan 745 2666
Brazil 37737 80488
China 212258 213766
Tuberculosis cases per year per country

How would you plot this untidy data as the number of cases by country for each year?

ggplot(data = table4a, aes(x = ???, y = ???)) + 


  • table4a is a built-in data frame
  • Type table4a in the console to take a look
  • Type ?table4a to pull up the help file with information

Why do we care?

With un-tidy data

ggplot(data = table4a, aes(x = country, y = `1999`)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "blue")

ggplot(data = table4a, aes(x = country, y = `2000`)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "red")

We have to plot it twice!

Why do we care?

With tidy data

country year cases population
Afghanistan 1999 745 19987071
Afghanistan 2000 2666 20595360
Brazil 1999 37737 172006362
Brazil 2000 80488 174504898
China 1999 212258 1272915272
China 2000 213766 1280428583
ggplot(data = table1, aes(x = country, y = cases, fill = factor(year))) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")

Why do we care?

With tidy data

ggplot(data = table1, 
       aes(x = country, y = cases, fill = factor(year))) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge")

ggplot(data = table1, 
       aes(x = country, y = cases, fill = factor(year))) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") + facet_wrap(~year)

Going long


A long data table next to a wide data table. The cells from the wide table are linked to cells in the long table by arrows

R for Data Science

Going long

From wide …

# A tibble: 114 × 6
   plot  depth coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt total_silt
   <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 CSP01     4       14.1        11.2       8.17       33.5
 2 CSP01    12       14.1        11.7       9.03       34.8
 3 CSP01    35       10.3         9.51      7.47       27.3
 4 CSP01    53        9.4         9.1       8.7        27.2
 5 CSP01    83        9.79        8.79      7.29       25.9
 6 CSP01   105       10.8         9.4       8.22       28.4
 7 CSP08    10       16.3         9.55      6.23       32.1
 8 CSP08    27       14.3        10.4       6.1        30.8
 9 CSP08    90       15.1        11.5       7.56       34.2
10 CSP02     5       12.0        18.3      15.2        45.4
11 CSP02    11       10.7        18.3      14.3        43.3
12 CSP02    36       10.7        19.0      14.4        44.1
13 CSP02    56       11.1        18.0      13.7        42.8
14 CSP02    70       11.2        16.8      13.0        41  
15 CSP02    78        9.97       13.8      11.0        34.7
# ℹ 99 more rows

… to long

# A tibble: 456 × 4
   plot  depth type        amount
   <chr> <dbl> <chr>        <dbl>
 1 CSP01     4 coarse_silt  14.1 
 2 CSP01     4 medium_silt  11.2 
 3 CSP01     4 fine_silt     8.17
 4 CSP01     4 total_silt   33.5 
 5 CSP01    12 coarse_silt  14.1 
 6 CSP01    12 medium_silt  11.7 
 7 CSP01    12 fine_silt     9.03
 8 CSP01    12 total_silt   34.8 
 9 CSP01    35 coarse_silt  10.3 
10 CSP01    35 medium_silt   9.51
11 CSP01    35 fine_silt     7.47
12 CSP01    35 total_silt   27.3 
13 CSP01    53 coarse_silt   9.4 
14 CSP01    53 medium_silt   9.1 
15 CSP01    53 fine_silt     8.7 
16 CSP01    53 total_silt   27.2 
17 CSP01    83 coarse_silt   9.79
18 CSP01    83 medium_silt   8.79
19 CSP01    83 fine_silt     7.29
20 CSP01    83 total_silt   25.9 
# ℹ 436 more rows

Going long

pivot_longer() is from tidyr*

* part of the tidyverse

pivot_longer(data, cols = c(column1, column2),
             names_to = "new_categorical_column",
             values_to = "new_numerical_column")
  • tidyverse functions always start with data
  • Takes columns and converts to long data
  • Column names (column1 and column2) go into “new_categorical_column”
  • Column values (contents of column1 and column2) go into “new_numerical_column”

Hex logo for the tidyr R package

Going long

pivot_longer() is from tidyr*

* part of the tidyverse

pivot_longer(data, cols = c(column1, column2),
             names_to = "new_categorical_column",
             values_to = "new_numerical_column")

In our example:

  • data = size
  • cols = c(-plot, -depth, -habitat, -technician, -date)
    • Here, easiest to exclude columns
  • names_to = "type"
  • values_to = "amount"

Hex logo for the tidyr R package

Going long

size_long <- pivot_longer(size, cols = c(-plot, -depth, -habitat, -technician, -date),
                          names_to = "type", values_to = "amount")
# A tibble: 1,026 × 7
   plot  depth habitat technician date       type        amount
   <chr> <dbl> <chr>   <chr>      <date>     <chr>        <dbl>
 1 CSP01     4 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 coarse_sand  13.0 
 2 CSP01     4 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 medium_sand  17.4 
 3 CSP01     4 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 fine_sand    19.7 
 4 CSP01     4 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 coarse_silt  14.1 
 5 CSP01     4 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 medium_silt  11.2 
 6 CSP01     4 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 fine_silt     8.17
 7 CSP01     4 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 clay         16.3 
 8 CSP01     4 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 total_sand   50.1 
 9 CSP01     4 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 total_silt   33.5 
10 CSP01    12 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 coarse_sand  10.7 
11 CSP01    12 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 medium_sand  16.9 
12 CSP01    12 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 fine_sand    19.2 
# ℹ 1,014 more rows

Your turn: Lengthen data

  • We’ll first create a summary dataset for sand variables
sand_sum <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand) |>
  group_by(plot) |>
  summarize(sample_size = n(),
            mean_sand = mean(total_sand),
            sd_sand = sd(total_sand),
            se_sand = sd_sand / sqrt(sample_size))

# A tibble: 27 × 5
   plot  sample_size mean_sand sd_sand se_sand
   <chr>       <int>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 CSP01           6      49.8   2.96    1.21 
 2 CSP02           7      34.7  10.8     4.06 
 3 CSP03           4      29.9   4.89    2.45 
 4 CSP04           5      30.3   2.18    0.973
 5 CSP05           5      44.6   5.52    2.47 
 6 CSP06           5      37.8   4.10    1.83 
 7 CSP07           3      36.6   7.30    4.21 
 8 CSP08           3      49.4   0.176   0.102
 9 CSP09           5      37.9   2.98    1.33 
10 CSP10           3      34.6   9.71    5.61 
# ℹ 17 more rows

Your turn: Lengthen data

  • Gather all variables except plot and sample_size into a long format
sand_long <- pivot_longer(sand_sum, 
                          cols = ???,
                          names_to = ???,
                          values_to = ???)

Your turn: Lengthen data

  • Gather all variables except plot and sample_size into a long format
sand_long <- pivot_longer(sand_sum, 
                          cols = contains("sand"),  
                          names_to = "type",    
                          values_to = "amount") 
# A tibble: 81 × 4
   plot  sample_size type      amount
   <chr>       <int> <chr>      <dbl>
 1 CSP01           6 mean_sand 49.8  
 2 CSP01           6 sd_sand    2.96 
 3 CSP01           6 se_sand    1.21 
 4 CSP02           7 mean_sand 34.7  
 5 CSP02           7 sd_sand   10.8  
 6 CSP02           7 se_sand    4.06 
 7 CSP03           4 mean_sand 29.9  
 8 CSP03           4 sd_sand    4.89 
 9 CSP03           4 se_sand    2.45 
10 CSP04           5 mean_sand 30.3  
11 CSP04           5 sd_sand    2.18 
12 CSP04           5 se_sand    0.973
13 CSP05           5 mean_sand 44.6  
14 CSP05           5 sd_sand    5.52 
15 CSP05           5 se_sand    2.47 
# ℹ 66 more rows

Remember tidy selectors!

Could also use…

  • cols = ends_with("sand")
  • cols = c(mean_sand, sd_sand, se_sand)
  • cols = c(-plot, -sample_size)

Going wide


A long data table next to a wide data table. The cells from the long table are linked to cells in the wide table by arrows

R for Data Science

Going wide

From long …

# A tibble: 456 × 4
   plot  depth type        amount
   <chr> <dbl> <chr>        <dbl>
 1 CSP01     4 coarse_silt  14.1 
 2 CSP01     4 medium_silt  11.2 
 3 CSP01     4 fine_silt     8.17
 4 CSP01     4 total_silt   33.5 
 5 CSP01    12 coarse_silt  14.1 
 6 CSP01    12 medium_silt  11.7 
 7 CSP01    12 fine_silt     9.03
 8 CSP01    12 total_silt   34.8 
 9 CSP01    35 coarse_silt  10.3 
10 CSP01    35 medium_silt   9.51
11 CSP01    35 fine_silt     7.47
12 CSP01    35 total_silt   27.3 
13 CSP01    53 coarse_silt   9.4 
14 CSP01    53 medium_silt   9.1 
15 CSP01    53 fine_silt     8.7 
16 CSP01    53 total_silt   27.2 
17 CSP01    83 coarse_silt   9.79
18 CSP01    83 medium_silt   8.79
19 CSP01    83 fine_silt     7.29
20 CSP01    83 total_silt   25.9 
# ℹ 436 more rows

… to wide

# A tibble: 114 × 6
   plot  depth coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt total_silt
   <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 CSP01     4       14.1        11.2       8.17       33.5
 2 CSP01    12       14.1        11.7       9.03       34.8
 3 CSP01    35       10.3         9.51      7.47       27.3
 4 CSP01    53        9.4         9.1       8.7        27.2
 5 CSP01    83        9.79        8.79      7.29       25.9
 6 CSP01   105       10.8         9.4       8.22       28.4
 7 CSP08    10       16.3         9.55      6.23       32.1
 8 CSP08    27       14.3        10.4       6.1        30.8
 9 CSP08    90       15.1        11.5       7.56       34.2
10 CSP02     5       12.0        18.3      15.2        45.4
11 CSP02    11       10.7        18.3      14.3        43.3
12 CSP02    36       10.7        19.0      14.4        44.1
13 CSP02    56       11.1        18.0      13.7        42.8
14 CSP02    70       11.2        16.8      13.0        41  
15 CSP02    78        9.97       13.8      11.0        34.7
# ℹ 99 more rows

Going wide

pivot_wider() is from tidyr*

* part of the tidyverse

            names_from = existing_categorical_column,
            values_from = existing_numerical_column)
  • tidyverse functions always start with data
  • Takes columns and converts to wide data
  • Values in existing_categorical_column become column names
  • Values in existing_numerical_column become column contents

Hex logo for the tidyr R package

In our example:

  • data = size_long
  • names_from = type
  • values_from = amount

Going wide

size_wide <- pivot_wider(size_long, names_from = type, values_from = amount)
# A tibble: 114 × 14
   plot  depth habitat   technician date       coarse_sand medium_sand fine_sand coarse_silt medium_silt fine_silt  clay total_sand total_silt
   <chr> <dbl> <chr>     <chr>      <date>           <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 CSP01     4 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23       13.0        17.4      19.7        14.1        11.2       8.17  16.3       50.1       33.5
 2 CSP01    12 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23       10.7        16.9      19.2        14.1        11.7       9.03  18.4       46.8       34.8
 3 CSP01    35 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23       12.1        17.8      16.1        10.3         9.51      7.47  26.7       46         27.3
 4 CSP01    53 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23       17.6        18.2      14.3         9.4         9.1       8.7   22.7       50.1       27.2
 5 CSP01    83 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23       21.0        18.4      14.3         9.79        8.79      7.29  20.4       53.8       25.9
 6 CSP01   105 forest    Catharine  2009-04-23       19.0        18.4      14.4        10.8         9.4       8.22  19.7       51.9       28.4
 7 CSP08    10 grassland Catharine  2009-03-02       11.6        17.1      20.8        16.3         9.55      6.23  18.4       49.6       32.1
 8 CSP08    27 grassland Catharine  2009-03-02       15.4        16.2      17.8        14.3        10.4       6.1   19.6       49.5       30.8
 9 CSP08    90 grassland Catharine  2009-03-02       14.9        15.8      18.6        15.1        11.5       7.56  16.5       49.2       34.2
10 CSP02     5 forest    Catharine  2009-05-06        8.75        8.64      8.66       12.0        18.3      15.2   28.5       26.0       45.4
# ℹ 104 more rows

Again: Why transpose?

Figures: Long data are great for graphing

size_long <- pivot_longer(size, cols = c(-plot, -depth, -technician, -habitat, -date),
                          names_to = "type", values_to = "amount")

ggplot(data = size_long, aes(y = depth, x = amount, colour = type)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_y_reverse() +
  facet_wrap(~ type, nrow = 2)

Again: Why transpose?

Figures: Take it to the next step

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  left_join(meta, by = "plot") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand,
         total_silt = coarse_silt + medium_silt + fine_silt)

size_long <- pivot_longer(size, cols = c(-plot, -depth, -technician, -habitat, -date, -clay),
                          names_to = c("size", "category"), values_to = "amount",
                          names_sep = "_") |>
  mutate(size = factor(size, levels = c("total", "coarse", "medium", "fine")))
# A tibble: 912 × 9
   plot  depth  clay habitat technician date       size   category amount
   <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>   <chr>      <date>     <fct>  <chr>     <dbl>
 1 CSP01     4  16.3 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 coarse sand      13.0 
 2 CSP01     4  16.3 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 medium sand      17.4 
 3 CSP01     4  16.3 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 fine   sand      19.7 
 4 CSP01     4  16.3 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 coarse silt      14.1 
 5 CSP01     4  16.3 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 medium silt      11.2 
 6 CSP01     4  16.3 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 fine   silt       8.17
 7 CSP01     4  16.3 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 total  sand      50.1 
 8 CSP01     4  16.3 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 total  silt      33.5 
 9 CSP01    12  18.4 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 coarse sand      10.7 
10 CSP01    12  18.4 forest  Catharine  2009-04-23 medium sand      16.9 
# ℹ 902 more rows

Again: Why transpose?

Figures: Take it to the next step

ggplot(data = size_long, 
       aes(y = depth, x = amount, colour = category)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_y_reverse() +
  facet_grid(category ~ size)

Again: Why transpose?

Anlyses: Linear models lm(y ~ x, data)

Use pivot_longer() in analysis where grouping variables are important

  • i.e., do amounts of different size classes differ with depth? (need size classes in “type” column)
lm(amount ~ type + depth, data = size_long)

Use pivot_wider() in analyses where each variable must be in it’s own column

  • i.e., does the amount of sand differ with depth? (need size classes in separate columns)
lm(total_sand ~ depth, data = size_wide)

If you can’t figure out how to plot or analyse your data, they probably need to be transposed

Your Turn: Transpose for plotting

Plot the number of Tuberculosis cases vs. the population in data frame table2

temp <- pivot_???(table2, ???)                    

ggplot(data = temp, ???) +    

Your Turn: Transpose for plotting

Plot the number of Tuberculosis cases (cases) vs. the population in data frame table2

temp <- pivot_wider(table2, names_from = "type", values_from = "count") 

ggplot(data = temp, aes(x = population, y = cases)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  stat_smooth(method = "lm") 

Put it all together

meta <- read_csv("data/grain_meta.csv")

size <- read_csv("data/grain_size2.csv") |>
  left_join(meta, by = "plot") |>
  mutate(total_sand = coarse_sand + medium_sand + fine_sand,
         total_silt = coarse_silt + medium_silt + fine_silt)

size_sum <- size |>
  group_by(plot, habitat) |>
  summarize(sample_size = n(),
            total_sand = sum(total_sand),
            mean_sand = mean(total_sand),
            sd_sand = sd(total_sand),
            se_sand = sd_sand / sqrt(sample_size),
            total_silt = sum(total_silt),
            mean_silt = mean(total_silt),
            sd_silt = sd(total_silt),
            se_silt = sd_silt / sqrt(sample_size))

size_long <- size |>
  pivot_longer(cols = c(-plot, -depth, -technician, -habitat, -date, -clay), 
               values_to = "amount", names_to = c("size", "category"), names_sep = "_") |>
  mutate(size = factor(size, levels = c("total", "coarse", "medium", "fine")))

Put it all together

Save your data

write_csv(size, "Datasets/size_total.csv")
write_csv(size_sum, "Datasets/size_summary.csv")
write_csv(size_long, "Datasets/size_long.csv")

Keep yourself organized

  • Keep your R-created data in a different folder from your ‘raw’ data
  • If you have a lot going on, split your work into several scripts, and number the both the scripts AND the data sets produced:
  • 1_cleaned.csv
  • 2_summarized.csv
  • 3_graphing.csv

Wrapping up: Common mistakes

  • select() doesn’t work
    • You may have the MASS package loaded, it also has a select() function
    • Make sure you loaded tidyverse or dplyr packages
    • Try using dplyr::select()
  • I can’t figure out how to pivot_wider() my data in the way I want it
    • Sometimes you need to pivot_longer() before you can widen it
  • mutate() is giving me weird results
    • Is your data grouped when it shouldn’t be?
    • Try using ungroup() first
  • I get a warning when I join data sets
    • Can be because multiple joins
    • Can be because mismatched factor levels
      • If the category levels in one data frame do not match the other data frame
      • They will be transformed to character
      • If that’s a problem, use as.factor() to turn them back

Wrapping up: Further reading