Summarize light into bouts of cavity use

cavity_detect(data, sun, loc = NULL, n = 2, thresh_dark = 1,
  thresh_light = 60, ambig_dark = 10, ambig_light = 25, gap_cutoff = 10)



Data frame. Raw light data. Requires two columns: "time" and "light"


Data frame. Detected sunrise and sunset events, output of sun_detect


Numeric vector. Longitude and Latitude of the observations (if not in the data, this must be provided).


Numeric. Number of points before and after a given observation to use in the calculation of cavity use (similar to a running mean)


Numeric. Light threshold for "in" (see details)


Numeric. Light threshold for "out" (see details)


Numeric. Light threshold for "in_ambig" (see details)


Numeric. Light threshold for "out_ambig" (see details)


Numeric. Minimum number of sequential missing observations defining a "gap" in the data record


A data frame summarizing light into bouts of cavity use, each with a start, end, and location designation.


Thresholds This function assigns points to four categories based on their light intensity: "in", "out", "in_ambig", "out_ambig", "ambig". The thresholds are used to determine which category a point is assigned to.

  • in: Light <= thresh_dark

  • out: Light >= thresh_light

  • in_ambig: thresh_dark < Light <= ambig_dark

  • out_ambig: thresh_light > Light >= ambig_light

  • ambig: ambig_dark < Light < ambig_light

These points are then smoothed into bouts of cavity use. The argument n, determines how many points before and after a given point, should be used to influence the final cavity use designation. For example, an "ambig" point, surrounded by "in" points will be assigned as part of an "in" cavity use bout. However, 3 "ambig" points in a row will result in an "ambig" bout. How many points to smooth over is affected by n. The argument gap_cutoff determines the maximum number of minutes between observations allowed before a bout is split and a gap in the data is introduced.

To detect cavity use in the evening and overnight, this function relies on detections of sunrise and sunset (detected with sun_detect). If you really don't want to use this, assign an empty data frame, but be aware that your overnight locations will always be defined as "in", which, in many cases would be incorrect. sun = data.frame()


# Single individual s <- sun_detect(wtsp) e <- cavity_detect(wtsp, sun = s) cavity_plot(wtsp, cavity = e, sun = s)
# Use map from purrr package for multiple individuals library(dplyr)
#> #> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’: #> #> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’: #> #> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
library(tidyr) library(purrr) d <- flicker_mult %>% nest(-id, .key = "light_data") %>% mutate(s = map(light_data, ~sun_detect(.)), e = map2(light_data, s, ~cavity_detect(.x, sun = .y))) d
#> # A tibble: 2 x 4 #> id light_data s e #> <chr> <list> <list> <list> #> 1 flicker_c <tibble [3,600 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 6]> <tibble [213 × 9]> #> 2 flicker_b <tibble [2,160 × 5]> <tibble [6 × 6]> <tibble [316 × 9]>
cavity_plot(d$light_data[[1]], cavity = d$e[[1]], sun = d$s[[1]])
cavity_plot(d$light_data[[2]], cavity = d$e[[2]], sun = d$s[[2]])