Plot light data patterns, optionally with overlayed detected sunrise/sunset events and bouts of cavity use.
cavity_plot(data, cavity = NULL, sun = NULL, loc = NULL, days = 10, start = NULL, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, clip = TRUE, show_night = TRUE)
data | Data frame. Raw light data. Requires two columns: "time" and "light" |
cavity | Data frame. Bouts of cavity use, output from
sun | Data frame. sun Data frame. Detected sunrise and sunset events,
output of |
loc | Numeric vector. Optional Longitude and Latitude of the
observations (if not in the data, this must be provided if |
days | Numeric. Number of days to plot |
start | Character. Start date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format |
nrow | Numeric. For multi-day figures, number of plot rows. |
ncol | Numeric. For multi-day figures, number of plot cols. |
clip | Logical. For geolocator light data >64 lux, clip the data to a max of 64? This sometimes makes patterns easier to see. |
show_night | Logical. Overlay grey shading to indicate nighttime (defined by local sunrise/sunset times calculated from coordinates). |
A ggplot2 figure showing light patterns overlayed with detected sunrise/sunset events and/or bouts of cavity use.
# Light data only cavity_plot(flicker, days = 1)# Light data + sunrise/sunset + cavity use s <- sun_detect(flicker) e <- cavity_detect(flicker, sun = s) cavity_plot(flicker, cavity = e, sun = s, days = 1)# Multi-day plots cavity_plot(flicker, days = 3)cavity_plot(flicker, days = 5, nrow = 1)cavity_plot(flicker, days = 5, ncol = 1)# With clipping cavity_plot(wtsp, days = 1)# Without clipping cavity_plot(wtsp, days = 1, clip = FALSE)# Remove nights cavity_plot(wtsp, days = 1, show_night = FALSE)