Range Maps


Steffi LaZerte


July 4, 2024

In this step we decide Which receivers do we keep?

So first we need to get a list of receivers that are within different species ranges. We’ll use this list to filter the Motus runs in later steps.

We’ll acquire the range maps from eBird Status and Trends

eBird data requires attributions, citations, and disclaimers

We also have limitations on how many species we can use for non-peer-reviewed publications (50), but can use any number for scientific publications or grant requests.

Bear this in mind if sharing these range maps anywhere.

In general, we’ll keep it below 50 for now, and ask for permission as required.


Load packages, connect to databases, and create species lists. See Setup for details.


Get a map of the Americas

First we’ll get a map of the Americas so we can filter out receivers outside this area and as a base map to give context to the plots we’ll create later on.

americas <- ne_countries(continent = c("North America", "South America"), 
                         returnclass = "sf") |>
  pull(name) |>
  ne_states(returnclass = "sf") |>
  # Omit Hawaii
  filter(name != "Hawaii") |>
  st_make_valid() |>
  group_by(admin) |>
  summarize() |>
  st_transform(crs = 3347)

Get the species list

Next we’ll create a combined species list base on the existing species in the data bases (see Setup) and the eBird species list (ebirdst_runs).

sp_ebird <- select(ebirdst_runs, "species_code", "scientific_name") |>
  filter(species_code != "yebsap-example") |> # Remove eBird example species
  right_join(sp, by = c("scientific_name" = "scientific")) |>

# Get a list of codes
sp_codes <- sp_ebird$species_code
gt(sp_ebird, rownames_to_stub = TRUE) |>
  gt_theme() |>
  tab_options(container.height = px(600),
              container.overflow.y = "auto")
species_code scientific_name id english french scientific_motus
1 amered Setophaga ruticilla 16890 American Redstart Paruline flamboyante Setophaga ruticilla
2 amerob Turdus migratorius 15770 American Robin Merle d'Amérique Turdus migratorius
3 baispa Centronyx bairdii 18910 Baird's Sparrow Bruant de Baird Centronyx bairdii
4 bawwar Mniotilta varia 16880 Black-and-white Warbler Paruline noir et blanc Mniotilta varia
5 btbwar Setophaga caerulescens 16600 Black-throated Blue Warbler Paruline bleue Setophaga caerulescens
6 btnwar Setophaga virens 16660 Black-throated Green Warbler Paruline à gorge noire Setophaga virens
7 bkpwar Setophaga striata 16820 Blackpoll Warbler Paruline rayée Setophaga striata
8 buhvir Vireo solitarius 13420 Blue-headed Vireo Viréo à tête bleue Vireo solitarius
9 brnthr Toxostoma rufum 15970 Brown Thrasher Moqueur roux Toxostoma rufum
10 bnhcow Molothrus ater 19760 Brown-headed Cowbird Vacher à tête brune Molothrus ater
11 chclon Calcarius ornatus 19160 Chestnut-collared Longspur Plectrophane à ventre noir Calcarius ornatus
12 comyel Geothlypis trichas 17000 Common Yellowthroat Paruline masquée Geothlypis trichas
13 gocspa Zonotrichia atricapilla 19060 Golden-crowned Sparrow Bruant à couronne dorée Zonotrichia atricapilla
14 graspa Ammodramus savannarum 18900 Grasshopper Sparrow Bruant sauterelle Ammodramus savannarum
15 grycat Dumetella carolinensis 15900 Gray Catbird Moqueur chat Dumetella carolinensis
16 herthr Catharus guttatus 15590 Hermit Thrush Grive solitaire Catharus guttatus
17 hoowar Setophaga citrina 17130 Hooded Warbler Paruline à capuchon Setophaga citrina
18 horlar Eremophila alpestris 14040 Horned Lark Alouette hausse-col Eremophila alpestris
19 lazbun Passerina amoena 19450 Lazuli Bunting Passerin azuré Passerina amoena
20 magwar Setophaga magnolia 16580 Magnolia Warbler Paruline à tête cendrée Setophaga magnolia
21 norcar Cardinalis cardinalis 19360 Northern Cardinal Cardinal rouge Cardinalis cardinalis
22 norpar Setophaga americana 16540 Northern Parula Paruline à collier Setophaga americana
23 norwat Parkesia noveboracensis 16940 Northern Waterthrush Paruline des ruisseaux Parkesia noveboracensis
24 ovenbi1 Seiurus aurocapilla 16930 Ovenbird Paruline couronnée Seiurus aurocapilla
25 palwar Setophaga palmarum 16800 Palm Warbler Paruline à couronne rousse Setophaga palmarum
26 pingro Pinicola enucleator 20310 Pine Grosbeak Durbec des sapins Pinicola enucleator
27 pinsis Spinus pinus 20420 Pine Siskin Tarin des pins Spinus pinus
28 purfin Haemorhous purpureus 20330 Purple Finch Roselin pourpré Haemorhous purpureus
29 reevir1 Vireo olivaceus 41384 Red-eyed Vireo Viréo aux yeux rouges Vireo olivaceus
30 sonspa Melospiza melodia 18990 Song Sparrow Bruant chanteur Melospiza melodia
31 spotow Pipilo maculatus 18550 Spotted Towhee Tohi tacheté Pipilo maculatus
32 sprpip Anthus spragueii 16300 Sprague's Pipit Pipit de Sprague Anthus spragueii
33 swathr Catharus ustulatus 15580 Swainson's Thrush Grive à dos olive Catharus ustulatus
34 tenwar Leiothlypis peregrina 16460 Tennessee Warbler Paruline obscure Leiothlypis peregrina
35 mcclon Rhynchophanes mccownii 19130 Thick-billed Longspur Plectrophane à ventre gris Rhynchophanes mccownii
36 varthr Ixoreus naevius 15830 Varied Thrush Grive à collier Ixoreus naevius
37 veery Catharus fuscescens 15550 Veery Grive fauve Catharus fuscescens
38 vesspa Pooecetes gramineus 18830 Vesper Sparrow Bruant vespéral Pooecetes gramineus
39 wesmea Sturnella neglecta 19610 Western Meadowlark Sturnelle de l'Ouest Sturnella neglecta
40 whcspa Zonotrichia leucophrys 19050 White-crowned Sparrow Bruant à couronne blanche Zonotrichia leucophrys
41 whtspa Zonotrichia albicollis 19030 White-throated Sparrow Bruant à gorge blanche Zonotrichia albicollis
42 yebsap Sphyrapicus varius 10220 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Pic maculé Sphyrapicus varius
43 yebcha Icteria virens 17310 Yellow-breasted Chat Ictérie polyglotte Icteria virens
44 yerwar Setophaga coronata 16620 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) Paruline à croupion jaune (coronata) Setophaga coronata coronata

Get Ranges

Now we’ll download the species range maps from eBird at a resolution of 27 km (high resolution, raw data).

Note: If the data is already downloaded, it will be skipped.

walk(sp_codes, \(x) {
  if(!any(str_detect(list.files(ebirdst_data_dir(), recursive = TRUE), x))) {
    ebirdst_download_status(x, download_ranges = TRUE,
                            pattern = "range\\_raw\\_27km")

Combine the ranges into a single spatial dataset, and create another set of ranges with a 100km buffer.

The idea here is that we may want to include receivers that are near the edges of a species range, as observations at those stations may be legitimate.


Is a 100km buffer sufficient? Good enough, too much?

ranges <- map(sp_codes, 
              \(x) load_ranges(x, resolution = "27km", smoothed = FALSE)) |>
  bind_rows() |>
  group_by(species_code, scientific_name, common_name, prediction_year) |>
  summarize(.groups = "drop") |>
  st_make_valid() |>
  st_transform(crs = 3347)

# Use a 100km buffer around the range
buffer <- set_units(100, "km")
ranges_buffer <- st_buffer(ranges, dist = buffer)

# Use a generous 1250km buffer around the Americas
americas_buffer <- st_union(americas) |>
  st_buffer(dist = set_units(1250, "km"))

# Get the total region covered by at least one species ranges
any_range <- summarize(ranges_buffer)

Get Receivers

Now we’ll collect a list of receivers that exist in our data.

We’ll start by doing some preliminary filtering:

  • omit receivers which don’t overlap with any species’ range
  • omit receivers labelled “test”, etc.


Get list of receivers in the databases. We only need to do to one databases, as the metadata() data step in Download Data data adds full receiver lists to all databases (i.e. they are the same in each one).

recvs_full <- tbl(dbs[[1]], "recvDeps") |>
  select("recvDeployID" = "deployID", "recvDeviceID" = "deviceID", 
         "name", "recvDeployLon" = "longitude", "recvDeployLat" = "latitude", 
         "isMobile") |>
  distinct() |>

There are receivers which we can’t / don’t want to use. These are receivers missing coordinates, or those which are test setups.

Let’s keep track of those which are problematic.

  • Those labelled “test”
  • Mobile stations
  • Those with missing lat/lon
  • Those with no overlap with any species range
  • Those outside of the Americas

We’ll first assess the spatial-problems (i.e. where the receiver is), then the regular problems (what the receiver is or it’s metadata).

recvs_spatial_problems <- recvs_full |>
  drop_na(recvDeployLat, recvDeployLon) |>
  st_as_sf(coords = c("recvDeployLon", "recvDeployLat"), crs = 4326) |>
  st_transform(crs = 3347) |>
    # No overlap at least one species
    no_species = !st_intersects(geometry, any_range, sparse = FALSE),
    # Not in the Americas (i.e. European receivers)
    no_americas = !st_intersects(geometry, americas_buffer, sparse = FALSE)) |> 
  st_drop_geometry() |>
  select("recvDeployID", "no_species", "no_americas")
recvs_problems <- recvs_full |>
  left_join(recvs_spatial_problems, by = "recvDeployID") |>
  mutate(problem = case_when(
    # Missing lat/lon
    is.na(recvDeployLon) | is.na(recvDeployLat) ~ "missing coords",
    # Mobile receivers
    isMobile == 1 ~ "mobile station",
    # Receivers labelled "test"
    str_detect(tolower(name), "teststation|test_sg") ~ "test station",
    no_americas ~ "out of americas",
    no_species ~ "out of all species ranges",
    TRUE ~ "no problem")
  ) |>
  filter(problem != "no problem") |>
  select("recvDeployID", "recvDeviceID", "name", "recvDeployLon", "recvDeployLat", "problem")

Clean up master receivers list

  • omit receivers we don’t want
  • convert to spatial
recvs <- recvs_full |>
  select(-"isMobile") |>
  # Omit problems
  anti_join(recvs_problems, by = "recvDeployID") |>
  # Transform to a spatial data set  
  drop_na(recvDeployLat, recvDeployLon) |>
  st_as_sf(coords = c("recvDeployLon", "recvDeployLat"), crs = 4326) |>
  st_transform(crs = 3347)

Check Removed Receivers

recvs_problems |>
  arrange(recvDeployID) |>
  gt() |>
  gt_theme(container.height = 500)
recvDeployID recvDeviceID name recvDeployLon recvDeployLat problem
947 560 VSEA -59.303988 44.553132 mobile station
980 665 SHIP -68.439200 44.234500 mobile station
1003 66 10_testStation -63.729900 44.329500 test station
1008 614 SBWL1 -60.022800 43.932100 out of all species ranges
1052 668 SBMS -60.006143 43.932745 out of all species ranges
1481 214 FORDRIDGE NA NA missing coords
1482 351 HOOPESTON NA NA missing coords
2726 37 Sable West Spit2 -60.146700 43.966300 out of all species ranges
2728 670 Sable West Light 2 -60.022900 43.932000 out of all species ranges
2794 241 FG1 7.881700 54.185000 out of americas
2795 242 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
2796 244 RT1 7.873600 54.187400 out of americas
2797 243 118_HelgolandRT2 7.873800 54.187400 out of americas
2798 241 FG1 7.881700 54.185000 out of americas
2799 242 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
2800 244 RT1spring 7.873700 54.187400 out of americas
2801 243 RT2fall 7.874525 54.187178 out of americas
2803 494 Sable West Light 2 -60.022900 43.932000 out of all species ranges
2804 249 SBL_EL -59.790700 43.960100 out of all species ranges
2805 488 SBL_EL -59.790700 43.960100 out of all species ranges
2806 4 Sable East Spit -59.694730 44.018890 out of all species ranges
2808 4 Sable East Spit -59.694730 44.018890 out of all species ranges
2810 668 Sable West Spit -60.144900 43.965900 out of all species ranges
2811 247 Sable West Spit -60.144900 43.965900 out of all species ranges
2825 248 Sable East Colony -59.782890 43.960270 out of all species ranges
2947 241 FG1 7.881700 54.185000 out of americas
2948 242 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
2949 244 118_HelgolandRT2 7.873800 54.187400 out of americas
2950 243 RT2fall 7.874525 54.187178 out of americas
2957 678 blank NA NA missing coords
2958 675 blank NA NA missing coords
2960 655 blank NA NA missing coords
2961 739 blank NA NA missing coords
3242 357 Chad and Sisters Two -66.348200 44.264500 mobile station
3243 158 Mega Nova -66.346700 44.258900 mobile station
3244 10 Georgie Porgie -66.327500 44.266200 mobile station
3250 359 Days Catch -66.838600 44.649800 mobile station
3443 804 LAUW 6.204000 53.388000 out of americas
3452 116 UOttawa BCCH mobile -75.816564 45.306255 mobile station
3480 116 FM Mobile -70.876837 44.335083 mobile station
3493 155 KB-mobile -64.852264 43.954508 mobile station
3536 806 KOPAFSL 5.403700 53.086200 out of americas
3537 805 AFSL 5.123800 52.977400 out of americas
3542 794 24_Dornumersiel 7.472300 53.676000 out of americas
3554 64 LabTest -64.369700 45.089600 mobile station
3592 483 GTPF -70.213301 41.512352 mobile station
3637 502 GTPF -70.279010 41.648120 mobile station
3638 497 14_testStation NA NA missing coords
3639 503 14_testStation NA NA missing coords
3642 503 14_testStation NA NA missing coords
3696 127 Asunción Bay -57.631100 -25.277600 out of all species ranges
3699 801 Bill Baker Tugboat -94.965600 29.466700 mobile station
3700 796 20_Wilhelmshaven 8.088400 53.548000 out of americas
3701 797 21_Wangerland-Schöpfwerk 8.020000 53.674500 out of americas
3702 795 23_Carolinensiel 7.758500 53.697000 out of americas
3711 747 SHEAR -70.055168 41.415353 mobile station
3713 802 Quempillen (Chile) -73.747900 -41.865300 out of all species ranges
3722 703 FG1 7.881700 54.185000 out of americas
3729 793 27_Emden 7.037400 53.384600 out of americas
3771 711 Atlantic Condor - Ship -62.040806 44.238731 mobile station
3776 722 Mobile -71.098600 47.369300 mobile station
3781 833 15_Cappel-Neufeld 8.550400 53.761500 out of americas
3789 489 Manual 6283 -65.741423 43.256129 mobile station
3790 491 manual 6296 -65.901115 43.425776 mobile station
3791 493 manual 6303 -65.210947 43.109024 mobile station
3793 493 Saldanha manual 6303 -64.337721 45.901949 mobile station
3794 491 Saldanha manual 6296 -64.326969 45.894208 mobile station
3801 489 14_testStation NA NA missing coords
3802 861 11_Natureum Niederelbe 9.032600 53.827500 out of americas
3807 835 22_Schillig 8.007500 53.696200 out of americas
3808 834 25_Hagermarsch 7.285300 53.665300 out of americas
3813 528 NP mobile 160.807238 263.067820 mobile station
3814 527 LR mobile 17.189915 134.970212 mobile station
3815 244 117_HelgolandRT1 7.873600 54.187400 out of americas
3816 243 118_HelgolandRT2 7.873800 54.187400 out of americas
3820 703 120_HelgolandFG1 7.881600 54.185000 out of americas
3855 853 114_Langeoog 1 7.481200 53.752500 out of americas
3856 865 01_Emmelsbüll 8.657000 54.806400 out of americas
3857 821 LLICALDAD -73.847000 -42.495600 out of all species ranges
3859 832 02_Dagebüll 8.701000 54.726600 out of americas
3861 836 04_Nordstrand 8.928200 54.490700 out of americas
3875 647 San Javier (Chile) -73.628400 -42.404700 out of all species ranges
3879 242 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
3881 242 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
3940 851 111_Juist 1 6.977100 53.677500 out of americas
3941 864 05_Norderheverkoog 8.811800 54.407900 out of americas
3942 860 06_Tümlauer Koog 8.674200 54.348600 out of americas
3943 862 08_Büsum 8.878700 54.132200 out of americas
4001 528 BurntPointAerial -85.361126 55.107607 mobile station
4002 528 JamesBayAerial -81.122798 52.061696 mobile station
4057 881 20_Wilhelmshaven 8.088400 53.548000 out of americas
4117 988 112_Wangerooge 1 7.919900 53.789900 out of americas
4124 116 Mobile-2017 -71.075522 48.186545 mobile station
4129 796 19_Petershörn 8.092300 53.437100 out of americas
4130 1015 16_Bremerhaven 8.570700 53.544200 out of americas
4153 912 24_Dornumersiel 7.472300 53.675800 out of americas
4203 984 18_Sehestedt 8.296000 53.436000 out of americas
4226 242 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
4231 757 SHEAR -70.063395 41.344457 mobile station
4236 997 DK_Stevens 12.454300 55.290300 out of americas
4237 996 DK_Møn 12.540000 54.947000 out of americas
4238 NA FINO2 13.154000 55.007000 out of americas
4239 1973 FBO_Lighthouse 12.817000 55.384000 out of americas
4240 1960 Fbo vattentorn 12.845100 55.403600 out of americas
4241 1972 Knösen 12.852800 55.429100 out of americas
4242 1973 Falsterbo Fyr 12.816400 55.383700 out of americas
4273 968 113_Spiekeroog 1 7.715700 53.775200 out of americas
4278 NA BSI Dammweg 16.752800 47.770100 out of americas
4307 1005 WUR Zwanewater 2 4.686400 52.822700 out of americas
4308 1005 113_testStation NA NA missing coords
4309 1004 WUR Zwanewater 1 4.686400 52.823000 out of americas
4310 1010 ECN 4.678700 52.783100 out of americas
4311 1013 113_testStation NA NA missing coords
4312 1009 Petten 4.658800 52.773200 out of americas
4313 1008 Petten 4.658800 52.773200 out of americas
4315 1013 Castricum 4.608600 52.557600 out of americas
4316 1007 WUR Camperduin 1 4.641600 52.722800 out of americas
4317 1006 WUR Camperduin 2 4.641400 52.722600 out of americas
4324 995 RT1_autumn_2017 7.873600 54.187400 out of americas
4325 993 Ventotene - Museo 13.418200 40.790500 out of americas
4326 994 Ventotene - Municipio 13.432700 40.796200 out of americas
4327 992 Ventotene - Punta dell'Arco 13.410500 40.786800 out of americas
4328 990 113_Spiekeroog 1 7.715700 53.775200 out of americas
4333 956 Trunk Island, Bermuda -64.726900 32.333100 mobile station
4335 989 111_Juist 1 6.977100 53.677500 out of americas
4343 968 112_Wangerooge 1 7.919900 53.789900 out of americas
4364 986 07_Eidersperrwerk 8.845900 54.265900 out of americas
4365 1014 09_Friedrichskoog 8.876100 54.000400 out of americas
4366 985 10_Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog 8.947700 53.916300 out of americas
4367 943 26_Utlandshörn 7.107500 53.562800 out of americas
4369 2576 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
4370 909 OLHAO -7.817400 37.032300 out of americas
4371 806 MALAGA -4.473000 36.740800 out of americas
4378 987 03_Sönke-Nissen-Koog 8.874400 54.614700 out of americas
4381 668 SBL_EL -59.790700 43.960100 out of all species ranges
4387 851 114_Langeoog 1 7.481200 53.752500 out of americas
4411 55 KB-Mobile -64.784735 43.992387 mobile station
4452 229 E. MiraMar -69.319100 -52.547300 out of all species ranges
4453 969 E. Pepita -69.384900 -52.469300 out of all species ranges
4454 1012 IJmuiden - WURSG011 4.582800 52.460900 out of americas
4455 1011 Schagerbrug 4.728100 52.813000 out of americas
4466 NA RSPB HQ -0.265500 52.116100 out of americas
4469 1016 13_Ruthenstrom 9.419600 53.719900 out of americas
4479 821 E. El Pantano -69.060800 -52.685800 out of all species ranges
4481 802 Punta Catalina -68.773300 -52.550600 out of all species ranges
4482 229 E. MiraMar -69.319100 -52.547300 out of all species ranges
4486 633 90_testStation NA NA missing coords
4487 638 90_testStation NA NA missing coords
4490 119 90_testStation NA NA missing coords
4497 853 118_HelgolandRT2 7.873800 54.187400 out of americas
4498 988 117_HelgolandRT1 7.873600 54.187400 out of americas
4499 1272 A97D 120.253400 -20.548100 out of americas
4500 1279 04C0 120.244700 -20.557600 out of americas
4501 1278 39CD 120.245800 -20.530800 out of americas
4502 1269 FE74 120.256500 -20.545400 out of americas
4503 1028 12_Freiburg 9.294900 53.826900 out of americas
4504 703 33_BirdmoveMobile 7.909464 53.699646 mobile station
4528 1031 Field Station in Szabolcs 21.500800 48.176200 out of americas
4529 1031 Field Station in Szabolcs 21.500800 48.176200 out of americas
4530 1031 Field Station in Szabolcs 21.500800 48.176200 out of americas
4531 528 JamesBayAerial -81.472224 52.649884 mobile station
4532 243 120_HelgolandFG1 7.881600 54.185000 out of americas
4543 242 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
4544 995 115_Norderney 1 7.230000 53.709400 out of americas
4545 1036 Biologic - MAC - C077 118.825900 -23.000700 out of americas
4546 1038 Biologic - MAC - CE35 118.854200 -23.005000 out of americas
4547 1047 Biologic - MAC - 9C63 118.861300 -22.993100 out of americas
4548 1042 Biologic - MAC - FCC3 118.879200 -23.018400 out of americas
4549 1040 Biologic - MAC - 7281 118.931100 -23.002000 out of americas
4550 1037 Biologic - MAC - 222A 118.954500 -23.003900 out of americas
4551 1041 Biologic - MAC - 9853 118.978600 -23.005000 out of americas
4552 1039 Biologic - MAC - 1F02 118.904400 -23.007400 out of americas
4555 1061 Kasbah Yasmina -3.988400 31.213800 out of americas
4556 244 116_Borkum 1 6.662500 53.588800 out of americas
4561 1057 Biologic - MAC - 23C5 118.811400 -23.053000 out of americas
4562 1056 Biologic - MAC - 42B1 118.778400 -23.032100 out of americas
4577 1044 34_IfV 8.108200 53.564500 out of americas
4614 53 2_testStation NA NA missing coords
4625 1062 Julianadorp 4.714800 52.880900 out of americas
4633 703 33_BirdmoveMobile 8.016700 53.683300 mobile station
4638 1063 Den Helder vuurtoren 4.726400 52.955500 out of americas
4643 1391 3B27 119.189000 -22.613500 out of americas
4644 1389 Marillana 119.205200 -22.602500 out of americas
4645 1388 Marillana 119.205800 -22.623800 out of americas
4646 1369 1BDB 119.224900 -22.617000 out of americas
4647 1537 69A2 119.216100 -22.628500 out of americas
4648 1392 602F 119.237100 -22.634300 out of americas
4649 1393 1FF8 119.259000 -22.647500 out of americas
4650 NA 3B01 119.253200 -22.671700 out of americas
4651 1411 8664 119.285000 -22.657100 out of americas
4652 1390 B8A3 119.285600 -22.678600 out of americas
4653 NA 4B78 119.306200 -22.674700 out of americas
4654 NA AFB0 119.298200 -22.703100 out of americas
4657 1083 Westkapelle vuurtoren Hoog 3.447100 51.529200 out of americas
4658 1105 Breskens vuurtoren 3.521400 51.406900 out of americas
4669 1081 Reddingsbrigade Maasvlakte 3.982300 51.926900 out of americas
4670 1273 4B91 120.251700 -20.584700 out of americas
4671 1276 D4DC 120.258400 -20.569200 out of americas
4672 1275 B899 120.240400 -20.566500 out of americas
4673 1060 Yarrie 120.248000 -20.563600 out of americas
4674 1274 3E53 120.248000 -20.563600 out of americas
4675 1268 A8BD 120.232200 -20.546900 out of americas
4676 1277 D337 120.286800 -20.555600 out of americas
4677 647 Buque Quemado -69.584200 -52.419100 out of all species ranges
4711 1080 Noorderhaven Julianadorp 4.756100 52.882100 out of americas
4715 1082 WUR Zandmotor Argusmast 4.184500 52.050800 out of americas
4718 1078 61_FINO1 6.587600 54.014900 out of americas
4719 1079 63_FINO3 7.158300 55.195000 out of americas
4733 1084 Colony Szabolcs 21.471400 48.173300 mobile station
4734 1085 Colony Szabolcs 21.471400 48.173300 out of americas
4735 1086 Colony Szabolcs 21.471400 48.173300 out of americas
4746 1106 Hoek van Holland Zeetoren 4.122900 51.991700 out of americas
4747 1107 Brandweer Maasvlakte 4.028900 51.985700 out of americas
4780 743 FRED -73.070100 40.947700 mobile station
4783 1091 Calidus_6 119.887000 -21.335000 out of americas
4784 1092 Calidus_2 119.907300 -21.344600 out of americas
4805 1108 RWS gebouw Haringvlietdam 4.044400 51.827800 out of americas
4814 849 Store Færder Bird Observatory 10.522700 59.069000 out of americas
4816 1229 Ringdalskogen_Norway 10.110700 59.113200 out of americas
4817 1228 Jomfruland Bird Observatory 9.613000 58.883000 out of americas
4818 850 Mølen_Norway 9.836400 58.972700 out of americas
4827 242 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
4833 1103 Calidus_10 119.859200 -21.316700 out of americas
4834 1104 Calidus_12 119.812200 -21.305900 out of americas
4835 1118 Calidus_8 119.875700 -21.327300 out of americas
4836 1120 Calidus_11 119.853700 -21.311300 out of americas
4837 1119 Calidus_9 119.868900 -21.323500 out of americas
4838 1159 Heemtuin Hillegom 4.587100 52.282300 out of americas
4839 1123 214_testStation NA NA missing coords
4840 1114 Calidus_14 119.724400 -21.235400 out of americas
4841 1117 Calidus 119.829500 -21.359000 out of americas
4842 1115 Calidus_5 119.909100 -21.337600 out of americas
4849 867 Drone-2018 -80.000000 43.000000 mobile station
4855 1124 214_testStation NA NA missing coords
4856 996 SKBO 10.612800 57.742400 out of americas
4860 710 Kokszijde 2.648300 51.123600 out of americas
4861 677 Heist 3.237800 51.341000 out of americas
4871 882 28_Jade-Weser-Port 8.141100 53.588900 out of americas
4872 7 SBL_MainStn -60.007000 43.933000 out of all species ranges
4873 211 SBL_Heli -59.996400 43.933100 out of all species ranges
4874 69 SBL_WestSpit -60.142400 43.964300 out of all species ranges
4875 1132 2EA7 117.361900 -23.228400 out of americas
4876 1154 9E15 117.383500 -23.169300 out of americas
4877 1138 E5CE 117.541600 -23.169600 out of americas
4878 1134 6405 117.550600 -23.221500 out of americas
4879 1130 B893 117.373900 -23.171100 out of americas
4880 1216 5CAA 117.409400 -23.173100 out of americas
4881 1215 C9C8 117.444300 -23.184700 out of americas
4882 1214 DD2E 117.462600 -23.185000 out of americas
4883 1217 2C04 117.474200 -23.187100 out of americas
4884 1135 F05C 117.490500 -23.189900 out of americas
4885 1137 53E7 117.518300 -23.203200 out of americas
4886 1133 5751 117.538000 -23.208600 out of americas
4887 1131 5BE8 117.542400 -23.213900 out of americas
4888 1139 72A6 117.618400 -23.214800 out of americas
4889 1136 36B7 117.645100 -23.211500 out of americas
4892 1148 Huiberts 4.708200 52.778700 out of americas
4895 28 SBL_WestLight1 -60.022800 43.932100 out of all species ranges
4896 1140 Sable Island - Mines Camp -60.047500 43.934300 out of all species ranges
4907 1146 CASA 128.156900 -15.533000 out of americas
4908 1147 Island 128.141800 -15.522000 out of americas
4909 1124 Powerline 128.117700 -15.462800 out of americas
4910 1123 WaterTower 128.130900 -15.474800 out of americas
4911 1144 Quarry 128.106800 -15.470800 out of americas
4912 1142 Caravan 128.112200 -15.478800 out of americas
4913 1143 WaterTower 128.130900 -15.474800 out of americas
4915 643 SBL_WestSpit -60.142400 43.964300 out of all species ranges
4926 1151 Kennemerwind 4.687400 52.739600 out of americas
4938 13 2_testStation NA NA missing coords
4948 1193 15FE 118.975600 -22.514900 out of americas
4949 1194 3897 118.989600 -22.510400 out of americas
4950 1195 12D5 118.994200 -22.527700 out of americas
4951 1196 A77F 118.994100 -22.527700 out of americas
4952 1156 EC0F 119.000900 -22.529900 out of americas
4953 1192 F0B7 119.006600 -22.548800 out of americas
4954 1157 37F2 119.009200 -22.531600 out of americas
4955 1158 F856 119.018900 -22.532400 out of americas
4956 1206 1629 119.020200 -22.545800 out of americas
4957 1190 09B2 119.022300 -22.513800 out of americas
4958 1203 8AC3 119.025800 -22.542800 out of americas
4959 1210 F784 119.032000 -22.530600 out of americas
4960 1201 A97D_2 119.035200 -22.526800 out of americas
4961 NA 8789 119.035100 -22.547300 out of americas
4962 1204 2C40 119.043300 -22.534800 out of americas
4963 1208 9869 119.046900 -22.549300 out of americas
4964 1205 9C43 119.049800 -22.516300 out of americas
4965 1211 AA5B 119.052500 -22.526300 out of americas
4966 1155 CF8E 119.055500 -22.537500 out of americas
4967 1209 E3FA 119.057300 -22.542200 out of americas
4968 1202 76A9 119.058900 -22.560100 out of americas
4969 1195 12D5 118.994200 -22.527700 out of americas
4972 1191 121_Sylt 1 8.283300 54.790300 out of americas
4984 1044 14_Cuxhaven 8.696700 53.875500 out of americas
4987 1166 113_testStation NA NA missing coords
5013 1259 Bergen aan zee 4.642200 52.665300 out of americas
5019 1246 Hanbao Yuan, Changhua 120.359300 24.007900 out of americas
5023 1189 29_Sillenstede 7.991000 53.573300 out of americas
5024 1212 121_Sylt 1 8.283300 54.790300 out of americas
5025 1207 8789 119.035100 -22.547300 out of americas
5033 1226 Natuurcentrum Ameland 5.774900 53.449700 out of americas
5034 1140 SBL_WestLight_2 -60.022800 43.932100 out of all species ranges
5038 1227 Strandhotel Vlieland 5.051800 53.303700 out of americas
5046 956 DFB Mobile -75.137355 38.236727 mobile station
5053 1146 236_testStation NA NA missing coords
5054 1061 238_testStation NA NA missing coords
5060 1241 Wandering 116.646600 -32.753800 out of americas
5064 362 Icapui Shrimp Farm -37.350000 -4.704300 out of all species ranges
5065 48 Icapui Tico's Restaurant -37.358100 -4.688800 out of all species ranges
5067 361 Areia Branca BCCB -37.116400 -4.927900 out of all species ranges
5071 1137 53E7 117.520400 -23.204500 out of americas
5073 356 Apeu-Salvador -46.189100 -0.943100 out of all species ranges
5076 1131 5BE8-2 117.542900 -23.217600 out of americas
5087 1323 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5088 1143 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5089 1328 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5090 1321 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5091 1282 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5092 1326 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5093 1283 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5094 1142 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5095 1324 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5096 1146 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5097 1449 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5098 1356 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5099 1322 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5100 1325 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5101 1347 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5102 1346 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5103 1330 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5104 1329 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5105 1327 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5106 1483 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5107 1348 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5108 1320 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5118 1265 122_Amrum 1 8.361100 54.645200 out of americas
5125 1263 Motus Mobile Test -64.370600 45.890800 mobile station
5128 1322 Kabbarli 128.120300 -15.475500 out of americas
5129 1321 RadioTower 128.104600 -15.466700 out of americas
5130 1329 QuarryRoad 128.107100 -15.474300 out of americas
5131 1146 QuarryFlats 128.107100 -15.482900 out of americas
5132 1324 Dixon 128.102800 -15.480800 out of americas
5133 1347 Powerlines2 128.117900 -15.464100 out of americas
5134 1323 CaravanOmni 128.112900 -15.480100 out of americas
5135 1282 WaterTower 128.130300 -15.473900 out of americas
5136 1283 ThreeMile 128.134500 -15.467700 out of americas
5137 1330 Center 128.115100 -15.471300 out of americas
5138 1328 Powerlines3 128.121500 -15.470300 out of americas
5139 1326 CenterBack 128.110000 -15.465800 out of americas
5140 1449 SinghsOmni_2 128.144200 -15.577200 out of americas
5141 1142 WyndhamGolfCourse 128.204900 -15.545000 out of americas
5142 1143 DixonTop 128.100100 -15.475600 out of americas
5143 1295 Paal 9 4.711200 53.021200 out of americas
5152 159 SBL_EL -59.790700 43.960100 out of all species ranges
5156 1061 Kasbah Yasmina -3.988400 31.213800 out of americas
5163 1246 Hanbao Yuan, Changhua 120.359300 24.007900 out of americas
5178 647 Buque Quemado -69.584200 -52.419100 out of all species ranges
5180 647 Buque Quemado -69.584200 -52.419100 out of all species ranges
5182 802 Punta Catalina -68.773300 -52.550600 out of all species ranges
5183 821 E. El Pantano -69.060800 -52.685800 out of all species ranges
5184 969 E. Pepita -69.384900 -52.469300 out of all species ranges
5185 229 E. Pepita 2 -69.374500 -52.484900 out of all species ranges
5195 244 116_Borkum 1 6.662500 53.588800 out of americas
5197 1191 116_Borkum 1 6.662500 53.588800 out of americas
5208 1304 Lagoa De Peixe - Brazil -50.996900 -31.324000 out of all species ranges
5222 1287 AC48 117.536500 -23.216700 out of americas
5223 1290 B8B8 117.512200 -23.202800 out of americas
5224 1291 51AD 117.495400 -23.196200 out of americas
5225 1133 5751-2 117.490700 -23.190100 out of americas
5226 1241 5B80-2 117.481700 -23.188700 out of americas
5227 1288 4CB8 117.433300 -23.190000 out of americas
5228 1135 F05C-2 117.409500 -23.173100 out of americas
5229 1289 B549 117.423200 -23.172500 out of americas
5230 1292 A080 117.506400 -23.099600 out of americas
5231 1293 052F 117.695400 -23.039800 out of americas
5233 992 Ventotene - Punta dell'Arco 13.410500 40.786800 out of americas
5234 NA Caister-on-Sea Lifeboat 1.736000 52.646100 out of americas
5235 1520 Lowersoft - CEFAS 1.740300 52.459200 out of americas
5236 1410 Landguard Bird Observatory 1.320900 51.937800 out of americas
5239 1370 Perth 115.860000 -31.950000 out of americas
5241 1246 Hanbao Yuan, Changhua 120.359300 24.007900 out of americas
5242 1320 CaravanWhip 128.113200 -15.481000 out of americas
5243 1282 WaterTower 128.130300 -15.473900 out of americas
5244 1346 Island 128.141900 -15.522000 out of americas
5246 1123 DixonTop 128.100100 -15.475600 out of americas
5248 1327 SinghsWhip 128.142000 -15.580100 out of americas
5249 1283 ThreeMile 128.134500 -15.467700 out of americas
5250 1325 Chimouli 128.199100 -15.467300 out of americas
5251 1147 ParryFarm 128.279000 -15.599700 out of americas
5252 1328 Powerlines3 128.121500 -15.470300 out of americas
5253 1348 SinghsOmni 128.144100 -15.576900 out of americas
5255 749 RASA -56.773100 -36.306200 out of all species ranges
5257 1159 Heemtuin Hillegom 4.587100 52.282300 out of americas
5280 68 SBL_WestSpit -60.142400 43.964300 out of all species ranges
5281 1332 Ekologihuset2 13.193200 55.705800 out of americas
5288 1246 Hanbao Yuan, Changhua 120.359300 24.007900 out of americas
5295 1513 Gammalsby 205 16.515100 56.321200 out of americas
5296 1513 Gammalsby 205 16.515100 56.321200 out of americas
5297 1514 Stenhusa 16.602200 56.518500 out of americas
5298 1266 Ottenby Bird Observatory 16.399500 56.197700 out of americas
5299 1140 SBL_WestLight_2 -60.022800 43.932100 out of all species ranges
5300 1334 Linnaeus University 16.364000 56.658900 out of americas
5311 1143 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5322 1332 Ekologihuset2 13.193200 55.705800 out of americas
5324 342 Mobile-1 -72.291000 47.649600 mobile station
5349 1502 48_testStation NA NA missing coords
5359 1337 Wanggong, Changhua 120.325400 23.970200 out of americas
5367 1011 Noorderhaven Julianadorp 4.756100 52.882100 out of americas
5368 1205 Calidus_3 119.896600 -21.343700 out of americas
5370 1210 Calidus_4 119.896500 -21.338400 out of americas
5376 1332 Ekologihuset 13.207400 55.714300 out of americas
5393 1117 Calidus_13 119.910600 -21.259300 out of americas
5394 1120 Calidus_7 119.870900 -21.333200 out of americas
5400 1384 92_testStation NA NA missing coords
5401 1387 Churchill - Mobile -93.819000 58.737600 mobile station
5403 1385 156_testStation NA NA missing coords
5405 1143 SinghsOmni 128.144100 -15.576900 out of americas
5406 1356 CaravanOmni 128.112900 -15.480100 out of americas
5413 962 Mobile-2 -72.291000 47.649600 mobile station
5435 1332 Ekologihuset 13.207400 55.714300 out of americas
5436 1511 WUR - Schagerbrug2019 4.751400 52.803600 out of americas
5437 1254 19_testStation NA NA missing coords
5463 1456 WUR - t Zand 4.759300 52.847700 out of americas
5464 1451 WUR - Oostvoorne 4.060500 51.915900 out of americas
5465 1457 WUR - De Kooy 4.783200 52.908600 out of americas
5467 1420 Natuurcentrum Ameland 5.774900 53.449700 out of americas
5468 242 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
5469 1452 WUR st Maartensvlotbrug Parallelweg 4.713500 52.796900 out of americas
5471 1449 Powerlines 128.117700 -15.462700 out of americas
5472 1449 Powerlines 128.117700 -15.462700 out of americas
5473 1327 CrimmieSeepWhip 128.140900 -15.577200 out of americas
5485 1206 72A6 117.618400 -23.214800 out of americas
5492 1144 ElQuestro 127.980600 -15.994700 out of americas
5496 1063 Den Helder vuurtoren 4.726400 52.955500 out of americas
5503 1512 WUR Callantsoog Inland 4.720900 52.843500 out of americas
5516 1483 241_testStation NA NA missing coords
5522 1468 WUR - Noordwijk - Huis ter Duin 4.427500 52.240900 out of americas
5547 1486 Kennemerwind 4.687400 52.739600 out of americas
5548 1490 Noorderhaven Julianadorp 4.756100 52.882100 out of americas
5552 244 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
5553 1371 Single RX receiver 13.207600 55.714400 out of americas
5556 1585 Valsörarna 21.067100 63.421800 out of americas
5557 1534 Holmögadd 20.752300 63.594000 out of americas
5560 1533 Klobbskat 21.092400 63.304200 out of americas
5561 1570 Bonden 20.038300 63.433900 out of americas
5563 1569 Skagsudde 19.016000 63.188000 out of americas
5565 1584 Lungön 18.089500 62.641900 out of americas
5566 1134 6405_2 117.550700 -23.221500 out of americas
5567 1134 6405 117.550600 -23.221500 out of americas
5570 1502 Rushton To PARC workshop -77.330583 39.929283 mobile station
5571 1461 WUR Vinetaduin Hoek van Holland 4.116400 51.983200 out of americas
5572 1477 WUR Callantsoog Reddingsbrigade 4.690600 52.836800 out of americas
5573 1469 WUR Groote Keeten Reddingsbrigade 4.703100 52.864900 out of americas
5576 1454 WUR - Neeltje Jans - Lange Neel 3.669200 51.622100 out of americas
5577 892 Näsby 154 16.465000 56.244500 out of americas
5579 1293 052F 117.695400 -23.039800 out of americas
5581 1515 Julianadorp 4.714800 52.880900 out of americas
5583 1540 CaravanWhip 128.113200 -15.481000 out of americas
5585 1513 Gammalsby 205 16.515100 56.321200 out of americas
5587 1518 WUR Brouwersdam sluis 3.825900 51.748600 out of americas
5588 1305 Caister-on-Sea Lifeboat 1.736000 52.646100 out of americas
5589 1166 WUR Dunwich 1.627800 52.253300 out of americas
5600 1371 Single RX receiver 13.207600 55.714400 out of americas
5601 1513 Gammalsby 205 16.515100 56.321200 out of americas
5602 1513 Gammalsby 205 16.515100 56.321200 out of americas
5603 1513 Gammalsby 205 16.515100 56.321200 out of americas
5604 1457 WUR - De Kooy 4.783200 52.908600 out of americas
5605 1486 Kennemerwind 4.687400 52.739600 out of americas
5611 1519 Spurn Bird Observatory 0.130600 53.621200 out of americas
5621 1522 WUR - Eendekooi 't Zand 4.771800 52.843800 out of americas
5624 1371 Single RX receiver_2 13.239100 55.713300 out of americas
5625 1554 291_testStation NA NA missing coords
5638 1138 E5CE 117.541600 -23.169600 out of americas
5639 1154 9E15 117.383500 -23.169300 out of americas
5640 1620 B893 117.373900 -23.171100 out of americas
5641 1566 F06C 117.700300 -22.888800 out of americas
5642 1568 7295 117.620500 -22.905000 out of americas
5643 1567 FBF3 117.356800 -23.171400 out of americas
5644 1619 CDAD 117.398700 -23.155700 out of americas
5645 1572 1E8F 117.509600 -23.196500 out of americas
5646 1562 4135 117.543600 -23.212600 out of americas
5647 1130 B893-2 117.557100 -23.202700 out of americas
5648 1565 CCD3 117.616300 -23.217200 out of americas
5649 1208 9869-2 117.644600 -23.213200 out of americas
5650 1203 8AC3-2 117.667000 -23.214100 out of americas
5651 1651 B939 117.733100 -23.262500 out of americas
5652 1561 E510 117.939000 -23.155200 out of americas
5653 NA 4A3E 117.909500 -23.146400 out of americas
5654 NA 9E54 117.601100 -23.317000 out of americas
5655 1057 Biologic - MAC - 23C5 118.811400 -23.053000 out of americas
5656 1057 Biologic - MAC - 23C5 118.811400 -23.053000 out of americas
5657 1056 Biologic - MAC - 42B1 118.778400 -23.032100 out of americas
5658 1047 Biologic - MAC - 9C63 118.861300 -22.993100 out of americas
5659 NA 403C 118.663600 -22.931700 out of americas
5660 NA BFAE 118.660800 -23.081400 out of americas
5661 NA A4D5 118.738600 -22.985500 out of americas
5662 NA 466D 118.760800 -22.995400 out of americas
5663 NA F75D 118.806500 -22.984800 out of americas
5664 NA 5281 118.816700 -22.927600 out of americas
5665 2547 A694 118.825100 -22.992900 out of americas
5666 NA CA84 118.834200 -23.030900 out of americas
5667 2509 E17F 118.902900 -22.979400 out of americas
5668 NA D10F 118.907900 -22.949900 out of americas
5669 NA 60D8 118.950400 -22.947600 out of americas
5670 2545 CFD1 118.946200 -22.999800 out of americas
5671 2508 697A 119.013300 -22.973900 out of americas
5672 2546 60EB 119.021500 -23.003400 out of americas
5673 NA AEF7 119.025600 -22.903600 out of americas
5674 NA 76F0 119.133000 -23.028700 out of americas
5696 1134 6405 117.550600 -23.221500 out of americas
5697 1154 9E15 117.383500 -23.169300 out of americas
5698 1554 291_testStation NA NA missing coords
5719 1579 AfghanCemetery 128.139700 -15.478900 out of americas
5723 1575 291_testStation NA NA missing coords
5734 1554 Dungeness Bird Observatory 0.965200 50.916900 out of americas
5735 1554 Dungeness Bird Observatory 0.965200 50.916900 out of americas
5744 1581 CASA Omni 128.156200 -15.532400 out of americas
5746 1589 4_testStation NA NA missing coords
5754 1604 Drone 130.866000 -12.370000 mobile station
5765 992 Ventotene - Punta dell'Arco 13.410500 40.786800 out of americas
5766 NA Ventotene - Municipio 13.432700 40.796200 out of americas
5767 NA Ventotene - Museo 13.418200 40.790500 out of americas
5781 1525 Noorderhaven Julianadorp 4.756100 52.882100 out of americas
5782 1468 WUR - Noordwijk - Huis ter Duin 4.427500 52.240900 out of americas
5784 342 Mobile - test -71.204500 47.227800 mobile station
5789 1772 31_Nordenham 8.474700 53.500500 out of americas
5791 1640 E3FA 119.057300 -22.542200 out of americas
5792 1644 F01D 119.055500 -22.537600 out of americas
5793 1645 F457 119.049800 -22.516200 out of americas
5794 1632 285A 119.107300 -22.508100 out of americas
5795 1646 F831 119.083900 -22.440700 out of americas
5796 1626 5D68_2 119.072900 -22.369500 out of americas
5797 1631 934E 119.004900 -22.411000 out of americas
5798 1643 F3FC 119.033500 -22.484900 out of americas
5799 2018 1629 119.020200 -22.545800 out of americas
5800 1625 4A0E 119.022200 -22.513700 out of americas
5801 1628 37F2 119.009200 -22.531600 out of americas
5802 1642 F0B7 119.006600 -22.548800 out of americas
5803 1617 F539 118.999500 -22.529900 out of americas
5804 1634 A77F 118.994100 -22.527700 out of americas
5805 1641 ED67 118.989200 -22.510400 out of americas
5806 1627 15FE 118.975600 -22.514900 out of americas
5807 1630 60A5 118.984200 -22.466700 out of americas
5808 1639 DB54 118.950500 -22.519300 out of americas
5809 1638 CD3D 118.907200 -22.484900 out of americas
5810 1624 0EEA 118.863400 -22.439700 out of americas
5811 1647 BB60 118.923300 -22.431200 out of americas
5812 1635 B9E8 118.982700 -22.399300 out of americas
5813 1633 1213 118.922400 -22.376500 out of americas
5814 1636 C819 118.880500 -22.319800 out of americas
5815 1629 44DE 118.835600 -22.350100 out of americas
5821 1621 9E54 117.601100 -23.317000 out of americas
5823 1637 4A3E 117.909500 -23.146400 out of americas
5824 1636 C819-2 118.472700 -22.941900 out of americas
5825 1629 44DE-2 118.267500 -22.720900 out of americas
5826 1635 B9E8-2 118.587400 -22.599900 out of americas
5827 1370 522B 117.599600 -23.205200 out of americas
5836 1666 40_Mittelplate 8.729800 54.026200 out of americas
5839 1660 Swan Bay 151.966200 -32.704200 out of americas
5849 1626 5D68 119.604200 -23.431200 out of americas
5850 1625 4A0E_2 119.662300 -23.406000 out of americas
5873 1481 78_testStation NA NA missing coords
5874 1479 78_testStation NA NA missing coords
5875 1480 78_testStation NA NA missing coords
5880 1622 2_testStation NA NA missing coords
5890 1575 Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory 1.374300 51.267800 out of americas
5891 1681 Chiloe -73.627000 -41.826600 out of all species ranges
5896 1686 Laboratorio Costero Calfuco -73.392400 -39.780100 out of all species ranges
5900 1690 Motus Mobile 1 -73.631200 -41.825800 mobile station
5904 1773 17_Fedderwardersiel 8.354900 53.596400 out of americas
5905 1707 Børsesjø_Skien_Norway 9.626800 59.233600 out of americas
5906 1709 Ringdalskogen_2_Norway 10.110400 59.113100 out of americas
5907 1710 Slevedalsvann_Lista_Norway 6.606300 58.104800 out of americas
5908 1708 Lista Fyr_Norway 6.567500 58.109200 out of americas
5909 2086 Vestveien_Tjøme_Norway 10.383500 59.125800 out of americas
5910 1705 Store Færder_RPI 10.524900 59.068300 out of americas
5911 1706 Gjekstad_Sandefjord_Norway 10.268000 59.135800 out of americas
5921 1519 Spurn Bird Observatory 0.130600 53.621200 out of americas
5922 1575 Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory 1.374300 51.267800 out of americas
5923 1699 Reserva Nacional Paracas -76.273100 -13.868100 out of all species ranges
5927 635 90_testStation NA NA missing coords
5943 2008 F598 117.280900 -22.632000 out of americas
5944 2004 7237 117.308900 -22.597700 out of americas
5945 1634 A77F-2 117.332900 -22.590200 out of americas
5946 1975 0AD8 117.332400 -22.575100 out of americas
5947 2000 6E4E 117.354300 -22.596500 out of americas
5948 2002 98A0 117.348100 -22.578100 out of americas
5949 2005 AA0A 117.372700 -22.571100 out of americas
5950 1632 285A-2 117.390400 -22.574900 out of americas
5951 1624 0EEA-2 117.410200 -22.555200 out of americas
5952 1974 8619 117.428600 -22.532200 out of americas
5953 1999 00C2 117.423800 -22.501200 out of americas
5954 2001 67FD 117.450600 -22.501700 out of americas
5955 2009 D358 117.453800 -22.479100 out of americas
5956 1641 ED67-2 117.480300 -22.481100 out of americas
5957 1627 15FE_2 117.466800 -22.460200 out of americas
5958 1631 934E_2 117.506700 -22.454500 out of americas
5959 1630 60A5-2 117.495000 -22.438900 out of americas
5960 1986 D7F6 117.490500 -22.427700 out of americas
5961 2010 D86B 117.477100 -22.438600 out of americas
5962 1642 F0B7-2 117.465900 -22.431700 out of americas
5963 1644 F01D-2 117.484000 -22.395900 out of americas
5964 1637 4A3E-2 117.459700 -22.372700 out of americas
5965 1193 4430-2 117.536500 -22.318200 out of americas
5966 1635 B9E8-3 117.434900 -22.306300 out of americas
5967 1645 F457-2 117.298500 -22.285700 out of americas
5968 2011 1FCB 117.259800 -22.278600 out of americas
5969 1629 44DE-3 117.235100 -22.264100 out of americas
5970 1639 DB54-2 117.315700 -22.514900 out of americas
5971 1293 052F-3 117.307200 -22.442900 out of americas
5975 1628 37F2_2 119.616900 -23.392700 out of americas
5981 1714 Vlieland - Flidunen 5.078100 53.300500 out of americas
5991 1534 Holmögadd 20.752300 63.594000 out of americas
5992 1333 Drone -93.236800 47.198100 mobile station
5993 1570 Bonden 20.038300 63.433900 out of americas
6004 996 SKBO 10.612800 57.742400 out of americas
6006 1250 19_testStation NA NA missing coords
6007 1253 19_testStation NA NA missing coords
6014 1787 SKBO 10.612800 57.742400 out of americas
6018 1774 TrackbirdMobile 8.020300 53.692900 out of americas
6031 1194 3897_2 120.256400 -20.545300 out of americas
6032 1208 9869_2 120.243600 -20.541500 out of americas
6033 1196 D040 120.284600 -20.597400 out of americas
6034 1202 76A9_2 120.239200 -20.541700 out of americas
6037 1468 WUR - Noordwijk - Huis ter Duin 4.427500 52.240900 out of americas
6038 1275 B899-2 120.270700 -20.603400 out of americas
6039 1201 A97D 120.253400 -20.548100 out of americas
6040 1192 E9CA 120.311300 -20.640400 out of americas
6041 1192 E9CA 120.311300 -20.640400 out of americas
6051 1784 250_testStation NA NA missing coords
6054 988 117_HelgolandRT1 7.873600 54.187400 out of americas
6055 853 118_HelgolandRT2 7.873800 54.187400 out of americas
6062 677 Dak Zwin Natuur Park 3.348900 51.358300 out of americas
6063 1771 Heist 3.237800 51.341000 out of americas
6066 1797 Triberga 16.573700 56.464200 out of americas
6068 1796 223_testStation NA NA missing coords
6069 1800 43_Emssperrwerk 7.313400 53.322600 out of americas
6070 1827 331_testStation NA NA missing coords
6083 1570 Bonden 20.038300 63.433900 out of americas
6092 1217 2C04-2 117.116400 -22.628800 out of americas
6093 1132 2EA7-2 117.120400 -22.621800 out of americas
6094 1291 51AD-2 117.136900 -22.629000 out of americas
6095 2077 FE8C 117.146700 -22.615700 out of americas
6096 1997 CF42 117.170000 -22.569200 out of americas
6097 1998 D600 117.228100 -22.554400 out of americas
6098 1562 4135-2 117.258400 -22.565500 out of americas
6099 1134 6405-5 117.246100 -22.646900 out of americas
6100 1370 522B-2 117.324400 -22.562200 out of americas
6101 1561 E510-2 117.355900 -22.498300 out of americas
6102 2017 0DAF 117.112300 -22.538000 out of americas
6103 2020 3803 117.131700 -22.533200 out of americas
6104 1157 964A-2 117.175600 -22.524900 out of americas
6105 1633 1213-2 117.221100 -22.518500 out of americas
6106 1292 A080-2 117.401700 -22.333000 out of americas
6107 1288 4CB8-2 117.220400 -22.258800 out of americas
6108 1567 FBF3-2 117.199400 -22.234800 out of americas
6109 1619 CDAD-2 117.156500 -22.228900 out of americas
6110 1620 9640-2 117.125300 -22.230800 out of americas
6111 1572 1E8F-2 117.090500 -22.237300 out of americas
6112 1566 F06C 117.700300 -22.888800 out of americas
6113 1138 E5CE-3 117.437500 -23.185300 out of americas
6116 1805 273_testStation NA NA missing coords
6118 1810 273_testStation NA NA missing coords
6119 1811 273_testStation NA NA missing coords
6120 1809 273_testStation NA NA missing coords
6121 1808 273_testStation NA NA missing coords
6123 655 Belwind Voltage station 2.800000 51.666000 out of americas
6130 1585 Valsörarna 21.067100 63.421800 out of americas
6133 1512 WUR Callantsoog Inland 4.720900 52.843500 out of americas
6134 1515 Julianadorp 4.714800 52.880900 out of americas
6135 1928 223_testStation NA NA missing coords
6136 1932 Gammalsby 13.207300 55.714200 mobile station
6146 1534 Holmögadd 20.752300 63.594000 out of americas
6151 1793 Noorderhaven Julianadorp 4.756100 52.882100 out of americas
6163 1752 WUR Texel KNRM 4.868400 53.174100 out of americas
6164 1750 WUR Julianadorp Middenvliet 4.723900 52.915100 out of americas
6165 1522 WUR - Eendekooi 't Zand 4.771800 52.843800 out of americas
6181 505 Hand-track2020 -37.360130 -4.694461 mobile station
6185 243 120_HelgolandFG1 7.881600 54.185000 out of americas
6186 244 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
6187 244 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
6188 988 117_HelgolandRT1 7.873600 54.187400 out of americas
6189 988 117_HelgolandRT1 7.873600 54.187400 out of americas
6190 853 118_HelgolandRT2 7.873800 54.187400 out of americas
6191 853 118_HelgolandRT2 7.873800 54.187400 out of americas
6195 1777 Julianadorp 4.714800 52.880900 out of americas
6212 NA Presterødkilen_Tønsberg_Norway 10.438200 59.272200 out of americas
7216 1928 Medborgarhuset, Grönhögen 16.409100 56.263700 out of americas
7217 1796 Torhamns udde 15.847300 56.076300 out of americas
7224 1904 WUR Groote Keeten Reddingsbrigade 4.703100 52.864900 out of americas
7230 1751 WUR Julianadorp Vogelzand 4.735100 52.891900 out of americas
7242 1943 19_Petershörn 8.092300 53.437100 out of americas
7243 1938 01_Emmelsbüll 8.657000 54.806400 out of americas
7244 1939 05_Norderheverkoog 8.811800 54.407900 out of americas
7245 1513 223_testStation NA NA missing coords
7251 1932 Gammalsby 205 16.515100 56.321200 out of americas
7252 1952 307_test_station_SG_V2_a 1.353700 52.869200 out of americas
7253 NA Jomfruland B O 9.610600 58.881500 out of americas
7255 1692 10_Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog 8.947700 53.916300 out of americas
7256 853 118_HelgolandRT2 7.873800 54.187400 out of americas
7257 988 117_HelgolandRT1 7.873600 54.187400 out of americas
7259 1513 223_testStation NA NA missing coords
7264 1794 Kennemerwind 4.687400 52.739600 out of americas
7266 1945 Östra Norrskär 20.684800 63.246600 out of americas
7268 1945 Östra Norrskär 20.684800 63.246600 out of americas
7269 1772 31_Nordenham 8.474700 53.500500 out of americas
7291 1135 F05C-3 117.389400 -22.558600 out of americas
7292 1209 E034-2 117.428500 -22.532400 out of americas
7293 1638 CD3D-2 117.485400 -22.457400 out of americas
7294 1974 8619-2 117.484400 -22.427000 out of americas
7295 1196 D040-2 117.473900 -22.419200 out of americas
7296 2018 1629-2 117.276800 -22.493100 out of americas
7297 2016 BEFD 117.588900 -22.431100 out of americas
7298 2015 521F 117.533300 -22.400600 out of americas
7299 2019 8475 117.380100 -22.380600 out of americas
7300 1643 F3FC-2 117.473800 -22.313500 out of americas
7301 1646 F831-2 117.399900 -22.306400 out of americas
7302 1289 B549-2 117.331500 -22.295000 out of americas
7303 1214 DD2e-2 117.238600 -22.305500 out of americas
7308 3251 Swan Bay 151.966200 -32.704200 out of americas
7312 1973 Falsterbo Fyr 12.816400 55.383700 out of americas
7313 1960 Fbo vattentorn 12.845100 55.403600 out of americas
7314 1972 Knösen 12.852800 55.429100 out of americas
7315 1946 WUR Vlieland Kazerne 4.941600 53.253800 out of americas
7323 1928 Medborgarhuset, Grönhögen 16.409100 56.263700 out of americas
7340 1927 WUR Heemskerk infiltratiegebied Kieftenvlak 4.600700 52.506400 out of americas
7341 1934 WUR Castricum Ringbaan 4.614900 52.540800 out of americas
7346 1513 Gammalsby (Lund) 13.207300 55.714200 out of americas
7351 1773 17_Fedderwardersiel 8.354900 53.596400 out of americas
7439 2061 44_Feuerschiff FS1 8.144200 53.515200 mobile station
7458 1792 RUG Linnaeusborg 6.539100 53.241400 out of americas
7471 2074 WUR Ankerpark 4.775300 52.957200 out of americas
7480 1732 Laguna Kai -58.513400 -23.494400 out of all species ranges
7481 1151 WUR Zwanewater 1 4.686400 52.823000 out of americas
7485 2051 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7486 2071 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7487 2054 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7488 2054 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7489 2055 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7490 2056 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7491 2068 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7492 2070 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7493 2072 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7494 2083 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7495 2084 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7498 1952 307_test_station_SG_V2_a 1.353700 52.869200 out of americas
7499 1952 FB-Testing 1.353300 52.869400 out of americas
7500 3235 Corrie Island 152.137100 -32.684300 out of americas
7505 3234 Davies Point 151.969800 -32.690600 out of americas
7513 1952 FB-Testing 1.353300 52.869400 out of americas
7518 NA Hawk Mountain Sanctuary -76.018300 40.638600 mobile station
7533 2665 19_testStation NA NA missing coords
7536 2115 294_testStation NA NA missing coords
7543 2111 WUR Den Oever MEA 5.039200 52.933500 out of americas
7545 2047 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7546 2048 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7547 2102 129_testStation -97.440100 35.189700 test station
7559 1515 113_testStation NA NA missing coords
7565 2163 307_test_station_SG_V2_a 1.353700 52.869200 out of americas
7582 3221 307_test_station_SG_V2_a 1.353700 52.869200 out of americas
7583 2229 RSPB Minsmere 1.618800 52.247000 mobile station
7589 2148 WUR Texel NIOZ 4.789400 53.003000 out of americas
7591 2163 RSPB Minsmere 1.618800 52.247000 mobile station
7592 1575 Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory 1.374300 51.267800 out of americas
7607 2163 RSPB Minsmere 1.618800 52.247000 mobile station
7611 2163 RSPB Minsmere 1.618800 52.247000 mobile station
7612 2110 WUR Minsmere 1.611600 52.246700 out of americas
7619 1105 Hoek van Holland Zeetoren 4.122900 51.991700 out of americas
7628 1575 Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory 1.374300 51.267800 out of americas
7643 2090 Rooftop of Flint Farmers Market -83.686900 43.017600 mobile station
7647 2207 Wenduine 3.070800 51.294100 out of americas
7655 2221 WUR Texel Krassekeet 4.898300 53.099900 out of americas
7657 1794 Kennemerwind 4.687400 52.739600 out of americas
7667 2221 WUR Texel Krassekeet 4.898300 53.099900 out of americas
7668 1794 Kennemerwind 4.687400 52.739600 out of americas
7687 2229 RSPB Minsmere 1.618800 52.247000 mobile station
7690 2239 Rysum 1 7.011300 53.368700 out of americas
7691 2295 123_Norderney 2 7.177100 53.717900 out of americas
7692 2305 124_Norderney 3 7.200400 53.711900 out of americas
7693 2306 125_Norderney 4 7.275800 53.712400 out of americas
7694 2307 126_Norderney 5 7.300800 53.717900 out of americas
7707 1800 43_Emssperrwerk 7.313400 53.322600 out of americas
7709 1771 Safari 5.026300 52.135600 out of americas
7726 2110 WUR Minsmere2 1.615400 52.246800 out of americas
7745 1044 14_Cuxhaven 8.696700 53.875500 out of americas
7746 864 14_Cuxhaven 8.696700 53.875500 out of americas
7747 2229 BM3-NPip_tracking 1.583100 52.800700 out of americas
7748 2303 D337 120.286800 -20.555600 out of americas
7749 1651 B939-2 120.237600 -20.660700 out of americas
7750 2301 CBAD 120.306500 -20.641800 out of americas
7759 2163 BM1-NP_tracking 1.584200 52.799500 out of americas
7774 2325 CTT 7390 119.012500 -23.308400 out of americas
7775 2326 CTT B3D9 119.083600 -23.271100 out of americas
7776 2324 CTT CAAF 119.185800 -23.281000 out of americas
7777 2299 CTT F9CD 119.114100 -23.232000 out of americas
7778 NA CTT 801D 119.082600 -23.200600 out of americas
7779 2327 CTT 4B52 119.127100 -23.202900 out of americas
7780 NA CTT 5FC9 119.080600 -23.163200 out of americas
7781 NA CTT 30F0 119.178300 -23.201100 out of americas
7782 2323 CTT 6033 119.266900 -23.251200 out of americas
7783 NA CTT 5435 119.187400 -23.163400 out of americas
7784 NA CTT D4A0 119.087200 -23.082800 out of americas
7785 NA CTT 3855 119.254600 -23.198200 out of americas
7786 NA CTT 3B1D 119.159300 -23.081100 out of americas
7787 NA CTT 02CC 119.305400 -23.198200 out of americas
7788 NA CTT 7BD1 119.352700 -23.201000 out of americas
7789 2322 CTT E93F 119.277800 -23.133100 out of americas
7790 2318 CTT 29D1 119.268500 -23.106400 out of americas
7791 NA CTT A997 119.347100 -23.173800 out of americas
7792 2032 CTT 9EC8 119.344300 -23.149600 out of americas
7793 2321 CTT 9BE0 119.401100 -23.153700 out of americas
7794 2316 CTT D232 119.356100 -23.093600 out of americas
7795 2313 CTT 11AE 119.464500 -23.149400 out of americas
7796 2314 CTT D817 119.435700 -23.120000 out of americas
7797 2315 CTT 295A 119.423400 -23.090000 out of americas
7798 2317 CTT 194D 119.353000 -22.994600 out of americas
7835 2101 422_testStation NA NA missing coords
7836 2100 422_testStation NA NA missing coords
7840 1192 E9CA 120.311300 -20.640400 out of americas
7843 2286 Dak Zwin Natuur Park 3.348900 51.358300 out of americas
7875 2300 Sandwich Bay Bird Obs 1.374500 51.268100 mobile station
7877 2332 Woldsee 8.124000 53.157000 mobile station
7900 1490 WUR - t Zand 4.759300 52.847700 out of americas
7914 703 18_Sehestedt 8.296000 53.436000 out of americas
7917 2214 WUR IJmuiden Eneco 4.573100 52.462300 out of americas
7922 2355 WUR Hoenderdaell 4.839000 52.861300 out of americas
7927 1486 WUR Van Ewijcksluis 4.876000 52.886600 out of americas
7939 962 Mobile-2 -72.291000 47.649600 mobile station
7941 342 Mobile-1 -72.291000 47.649600 mobile station
7959 2865 386_testStation NA NA missing coords
7975 1524 WUR Zurich 5.381000 53.097300 out of americas
7990 2300 Honiton -3.184400 50.801800 mobile station
8000 1525 WUR Afsluitdijk Zuid 5.154600 52.993800 out of americas
8001 2338 WUR Afsluitdijk Noord 5.193200 53.014000 out of americas
8015 1151 WUR Zwanewater 1 4.686400 52.823000 out of americas
8020 2935 436_testStation NA NA missing coords
8022 2296 428_testStation -119.096000 37.890800 test station
8026 1341 Rybachy,Russia 20.857100 55.154100 out of americas
8036 1105 WUR Zwanewater 1 4.686400 52.823000 out of americas
8043 2404 Wheldrake -0.950500 53.893800 out of americas
8052 2409 House Krynica Morska 19.424900 54.372900 out of americas
8055 2427 Krynica Morska - Camping site 19.424100 54.380600 out of americas
8060 2412 307_test_station_SG_V2_a 1.353700 52.869200 out of americas
8061 2407 307_test_station_SG_V2_a 1.353700 52.869200 out of americas
8068 2412 307_test_station_SG_V2_a 1.353700 52.869200 out of americas
8079 1774 Woldsee 1 8.118500 53.154800 out of americas
8080 1774 127_Woldsee 1 8.118500 53.154800 out of americas
8081 2434 WUR Ventes Ragas 21.190300 55.341100 out of americas
8083 2412 UKB2-Test3_FB 1.353700 52.869200 out of americas
8107 2580 213_testStation NA NA missing coords
8129 2163 BM1-NP_tracking 1.678000 52.736000 out of americas
8130 1796 Torhamns udde 15.847300 56.076300 out of americas
8155 2465 Silo Sint Maarten 4.748700 52.773000 out of americas
8170 2476 213_testStation NA NA missing coords
8171 2163 BM1-NP_tracking 1.704900 52.543300 out of americas
8172 2163 BM1-NP_tracking 1.678000 52.736000 out of americas
8181 2483 WUR Benacre Pump Station 1.727000 52.399900 out of americas
8185 2163 Halvergate Marshes 1.637400 52.585400 out of americas
8188 2163 307_test_station_SG_V2_a 1.353700 52.869200 out of americas
8198 2163 BM1-NP_tracking 1.685000 52.465000 out of americas
8200 2163 BM1-NP_tracking 1.677700 52.735800 mobile station
8203 2163 BM1-NP_CarltonMarshes 1.681100 52.474200 mobile station
8207 1513 Femmeryd 15.967300 56.242300 out of americas
8215 2521 Milksilo - Burgerbrug 4.707700 52.751800 out of americas
8216 2163 307_test_station_SG_V2_a 1.353700 52.869200 mobile station
8217 2163 NNBG_Winterton_tagging 1.678000 52.736000 mobile station
8219 2163 BM1-NP_Carlton 1.685000 52.465000 mobile station
8222 2163 NNBG_Winterton_tagging 1.678000 52.736000 mobile station
8225 1522 WUR Paal 21 4.765800 53.107600 out of americas
8228 2163 BM1-NP_Carlton 1.685000 52.465000 mobile station
8230 NA 46_TU_Harburg 9.970700 53.463300 out of americas
8231 2524 46_TU_Harburg 9.970700 53.463300 out of americas
8232 2448 Antikythira 23.309600 35.864900 out of americas
8233 2163 NNBG_Winterton_tagging 1.678000 52.736000 mobile station
8245 2407 UKB1-WestSomerton 1.652500 52.725000 mobile station
8273 2512 Daecheongdo 124.700600 37.833600 out of americas
8280 2553 334_testStation NA NA missing coords
8297 2163 HR1_test_site -2.680300 52.106600 mobile station
8302 2163 BM1-WSomerton 1.652500 52.725200 mobile station
8369 2412 Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory 1.122100 52.950500 out of americas
8370 2611 45_Feuerschiff FS4 6.348600 54.166400 mobile station
8371 1709 Ringdalskogen_2_Norway 10.110400 59.113100 out of americas
8388 2621 mobile-SRX800-TerraNova -123.196900 49.172300 mobile station
8395 2292 E-17 Renexia 11.414700 38.057800 out of americas
8431 2632 Asunción Bay -57.631100 -25.277600 out of all species ranges
8527 3237 Field Station Szabolcs 21.500800 48.176200 out of americas
8528 NA Szab Node 21.470500 48.173900 out of americas
8529 NA Feherto node 20.104400 46.346800 out of americas
8530 2705 46_Feuerschiff FS3 8.142100 53.514300 mobile station
8536 2163 Minsmere_tagging 1.618800 52.247000 mobile station
8570 2163 Chigborough2 0.718900 51.745000 mobile station
8575 NA RAKA NODE 21.430500 48.140000 out of americas
8602 2163 Minsmere_tagging 1.618800 52.247000 mobile station
8623 2163 Landguard_tagging 1.320100 51.937500 out of americas
8626 2163 Chigborough2 0.718900 51.745000 mobile station
8636 2163 Minsmere_tagging 1.618800 52.247000 mobile station
8648 2407 UKBats-Eccles 1.583200 52.800500 out of americas
8690 1001 Laguna Kai -58.513400 -23.494400 out of all species ranges
8753 2831 GPCD SRX1200 MD020110 -105.080400 40.592400 mobile station
8792 2836 The Deep -0.330200 53.738600 out of americas
8799 342 Mobile-1 -72.291000 47.649600 mobile station
8801 962 Mobile-2 -72.291000 47.649600 mobile station
8832 1457 WUR - De Kooy 4.783200 52.908600 out of americas
8833 1457 WUR - De Kooy 4.783200 52.908600 out of americas
8861 2338 WUR Afsluitdijk Noord 5.193200 53.014000 out of americas
8862 1525 WUR Afsluitdijk Zuid 5.154600 52.993800 out of americas
8869 2876 WUR-ECN 4.673700 52.785100 out of americas
8886 1191 116_Borkum 1 6.662500 53.588800 out of americas
8887 1191 116_Borkum 1 6.662500 53.588800 out of americas
8888 1191 116_Borkum 1 6.662500 53.588800 out of americas
8889 1191 116_Borkum 1 6.662500 53.588800 out of americas
8890 2705 46_Feuerschiff FS3 8.142100 53.514300 mobile station
8894 2467 Bovey Tracey -3.680900 50.592500 out of americas
8902 2902 Helgoland_Radio-Noise_1 7.882300 54.184800 out of americas
8903 2903 Helgoland_Radio-Noise_2 7.882100 54.184900 out of americas
8922 1787 SKBO 10.612800 57.742400 out of americas
8923 1787 SKBO 10.612800 57.742400 out of americas
8930 3105 Para La Tierra (PLT) -58.308800 -26.854100 out of all species ranges
8931 3104 Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias -58.287500 -26.881500 out of all species ranges
8939 2437 Huxbear Vineyard -3.624900 50.605400 out of americas
8940 2486 Kingsteington -3.597800 50.551600 out of americas
8941 2459 Palace Meadow -3.603700 50.599400 out of americas
8942 2437 Huxbear Vineyard -3.624900 50.605400 out of americas
8943 2437 Huxbear Vineyard -3.624900 50.605400 out of americas
8944 2909 Olchard -3.589700 50.583300 out of americas
8945 2910 Test -0.084600 50.864700 out of americas
8949 1613 Reserva Natural Rincón de Santa María -56.602400 -27.529600 out of all species ranges
8951 1413 WUR Petten 2022 4.658700 52.773200 out of americas
8952 2894 WUR Zwanewater 2022 4.686400 52.823000 out of americas
8953 2889 WUR Camperduin 2022 4.641400 52.722900 out of americas
8956 1796 Torhamns udde 15.847300 56.076300 out of americas
8957 1796 Torhamns udde 15.847300 56.076300 out of americas
8970 2229 Minsmere_tagging 1.618800 52.247000 mobile station
8972 1217 2C04 120.286800 -20.555600 out of americas
8973 1651 B939-2 120.237600 -20.660700 out of americas
8974 1132 2EA7 120.311300 -20.640400 out of americas
8976 159 SBL_EL -59.790700 43.960100 out of all species ranges
8984 2163 NNBG_Winterton_tagging 1.678000 52.736000 mobile station
8985 2229 NNBG_Winterton_tagging 1.678000 52.736000 mobile station
8999 2229 Minsmere_tagging 1.618800 52.247000 mobile station
9000 2229 RSPB Minsmere 1.618800 52.247000 mobile station
9007 2229 NNBG_Winterton_tagging 1.678000 52.736000 mobile station
9015 NA Honiton SG Test 1 -3.184300 50.801800 mobile station
9047 1305 Caister-on-Sea Lifeboat 1.736000 52.646100 out of americas
9057 962 Tadoussac - Mobile -69.663200 48.159400 mobile station
9079 1522 WUR Paal 21 4.765800 53.107600 out of americas
9083 NA Parque Nacional Arrecife Alacranes, Yucatan, Mexic -89.683100 22.382700 out of all species ranges
9084 3015 PE1PWF 5.907300 53.212400 out of americas
9087 3015 PE1PWF 5.907300 53.212400 out of americas
9152 3052 Beer -3.113600 50.698800 out of americas
9161 2985 Stanford Reservoir -1.123700 52.417300 out of americas
9162 3062 Glen Vine Park -4.553800 54.178300 out of americas
9218 NA Sidmouth -3.237400 50.682600 out of americas
9219 2910 Stover -3.651600 50.564100 out of americas
9254 721 Test_SG NA NA missing coords
9261 NA HORT_NODE 21.069800 47.609400 out of americas
9300 1707 Børsesjø_Skien_Norway 9.626800 59.233600 out of americas
9310 3062 Glen Vine Park -4.553800 54.178300 out of americas
9311 3062 Glen Vine Park -4.553800 54.178300 out of americas
9312 3062 Glen Vine Park -4.553800 54.178300 out of americas
9354 559 A TEST -63.594800 44.654500 mobile station
9379 3144 Tophill Low -0.366600 53.922900 out of americas
9380 3144 Tophill Low -0.366600 53.922900 out of americas
9383 3486 Bempton Cliffs -0.168400 54.147400 out of americas
9395 3299 Puente Héroes del Chaco -57.616100 -25.217600 out of all species ranges
9405 3165 Bedfont Lakes -0.452400 51.441400 out of americas
9413 3335 0B6D 118.930000 -22.507700 out of americas
9414 3338 1EDB 118.969400 -22.531700 out of americas
9415 3334 FFA6 119.046800 -22.522500 out of americas
9416 3336 3A3D 118.990700 -22.391700 out of americas
9417 3148 F900 119.048300 -22.570000 out of americas
9418 NA F717 119.134400 -22.583000 out of americas
9419 3327 4664 119.123100 -22.452800 out of americas
9420 3337 E48A 119.092500 -22.566500 out of americas
9421 3328 D4A4 118.923300 -22.431200 out of americas
9493 3235 North Swann Pond 151.719300 -32.860200 out of americas
9504 3234 Milham's Pond 151.714200 -32.845200 out of americas
9508 3251 Barry_Fullerton_cove 151.806500 -32.847700 out of americas
9555 2329 Davy_test_R4 -75.693200 45.383600 mobile station
9556 2797 Davy_test_R10 -75.693500 45.383600 mobile station
9557 2799 Davy_test_R13 -75.693500 45.383600 mobile station
9558 3230 Corvallis_01 -123.304200 44.544400 mobile station
9579 2329 Davy_test_R4 -75.693200 45.383600 mobile station
9580 2799 Davy_test_R13 -75.693500 45.383600 mobile station
9582 3295 Ramsar Road Floodgate 151.716700 -32.869500 out of americas
9583 3294 Barry_Fullerton_cove 151.806500 -32.847700 out of americas
9589 3255 FB-TestSite2 1.353400 52.869400 out of americas
9610 3221 BenacreNNR 1.708300 52.386400 out of americas
9634 3265 Mauritania 1 -16.306400 19.890800 out of americas
9646 1469 WUR Yerseke 4.056900 51.488700 out of americas
9653 3271 Noise_test1 -83.302300 33.939200 mobile station
9655 3658 Hotel Pantanal Inn -57.919200 -21.669400 out of all species ranges
9657 3657 Hospedaje La Frontera -57.905100 -21.679000 out of all species ranges
9666 242 20_Wilhelmshaven 8.088400 53.548000 out of americas
9668 1507 Noise_test3 -83.302400 33.939200 mobile station
9675 3274 Foulness North 0.935900 51.599000 out of americas
9677 3432 Noise_test2 -83.302400 33.939200 mobile station
9678 3486 Bempton Cliffs -0.168400 54.147400 out of americas
9686 2229 Minsmere Tagging 1.619200 52.245300 out of americas
9687 2229 Benacre Tagging 1.707000 52.386700 out of americas
9688 2229 Minsmere Tagging 1.619200 52.245300 out of americas
9717 2229 Benacre Tagging 1.707000 52.386700 out of americas
9718 2229 Minsmere Tagging 1.619200 52.245300 out of americas
9777 3487 Cheoah Mtns Ollies MOBILE GWWA -83.792600 35.380600 mobile station
9778 3487 Cheoah Mtns Ollies MOBILE GWWA -83.792600 35.380600 mobile station
9779 3487 Cheoah Mtns Ollies MOBILE GWWA -83.792600 35.380600 mobile station
9780 3487 Cheoah Mtns DECOMM Road MOBILE GWWA scan -83.795800 35.385800 mobile station
9781 2229 Minsmere Tagging 1.619200 52.245300 out of americas
9795 3342 114_Langeoog 1 7.481200 53.752500 out of americas
9852 1779 Sable Island - Main Station -60.006200 43.933400 out of all species ranges
9854 3487 Cheaoh Mtns Wauchecha MOBILE SCAN -83.774100 35.385500 mobile station
9855 3487 Cheaoh Mtns Wauchecha MOBILE SCAN -83.774100 35.385500 mobile station
9860 3210 StationMobileRBMSH-1 -73.135600 45.668600 mobile station
9861 3209 StationMobileRBMSH-2 -73.083800 45.739500 mobile station
9878 3278 E-28 CTT SensorStation 4.521200 59.258300 out of americas
9880 3350 D755RPI31A5F 5.678400 52.903700 out of americas
9884 2239 128_Helgoland_AWI1 7.892100 54.177800 out of americas
9885 3210 StationMobileRBMSH-1 -73.135600 45.668600 mobile station
9886 3209 StationMobileRBMSH-2 -73.083800 45.739500 mobile station
9889 3376 Fairbanks Office -147.741200 64.862100 mobile station
9902 3210 StationMobileRBMSH-1 -73.135600 45.668600 mobile station
9909 2845 CTT-V30B0154D858 151.657300 -30.421700 out of americas
9910 1796 Torhamns udde 15.847300 56.076300 out of americas
9994 3210 StationMobileRBMSH-1 -73.135600 45.668600 mobile station
10029 3209 StationMobileRBMSH-2 -73.083800 45.739500 mobile station
10036 3248 Southend Pier 0.723400 51.514500 out of americas
10091 988 117_HelgolandRT1 7.873600 54.187400 out of americas
10094 3455 Gibraltar Point 0.321600 53.096100 out of americas
10106 3533 Kammerslusen 8.677200 55.340300 out of americas
10107 244 HelgolandML1 7.887300 54.178200 out of americas
10116 3461 SGRC12 13.198200 55.717400 out of americas
10120 3465 Telegraph House -2.177500 49.716100 out of americas
10122 3415 Portland Bird Observatory -2.451000 50.519700 out of americas
10123 3468 Mobil_1 8.800700 54.840800 out of americas
10130 1513 Klinta (mobil) 16.436600 56.389100 out of americas
10131 2239 128_Helgoland_AWI1 7.892100 54.177800 out of americas
10132 2239 128_Helgoland_AWI1 7.892100 54.177800 out of americas
10135 2465 Kokszijde 2.648300 51.123600 out of americas
10138 1044 03_Sönke-Nissen-Koog 8.874400 54.614700 out of americas
10140 851 119_Helgoland_ML1_new 7.887500 54.178200 out of americas
10153 2870 C.R. Motus Mobile -83.849200 9.843400 mobile station
10154 3394 Gaulosen_Trondheim_Norway 10.215400 63.345500 out of americas
10155 3535 Skjern 8.388900 55.901300 out of americas
10156 3536 Stadilø 8.143500 56.151500 out of americas
10169 3393 Vinjefjorden_Heim_Norway 8.977800 63.201200 out of americas
10170 3532 Rømø 8.501100 55.121500 out of americas
10176 2229 Winterton Tagging Site 1.678000 52.736000 out of americas
10178 3534 Skallingen 8.240900 55.529600 out of americas
10185 2524 46_TU_Harburg 9.970700 53.463300 out of americas
10186 3505 Rutland Water VTC -0.694300 52.665300 out of americas
10187 3520 Curlew Point 151.779300 -32.874700 out of americas
10189 2229 Stanford Tagging Location -1.108300 52.416900 mobile station
10195 3509 Femmeryd2 15.966700 56.242300 out of americas
10206 1522 WUR Paal 21 4.765800 53.107600 out of americas
10207 3510 47_Harburg 9.970500 53.463100 out of americas
10216 3519 Mobil_2 9.900200 54.773200 out of americas
10222 3117 Dortoirs-Mobile -71.204200 46.815000 mobile station
10247 3553 Hexham Swamp 151.681100 -32.846700 out of americas
10248 3538 WUR Castricum Ringbaan 4.614900 52.540800 out of americas
10249 3052 Beer -3.113600 50.698800 out of americas
10260 1013 Castricum 4.608600 52.557600 out of americas
10269 3000 Gappah -3.609900 50.584700 out of americas
10270 2991 Gappah -3.609900 50.584700 out of americas
10271 3000 Chudleigh Knighton -3.633600 50.588400 out of americas
10278 3526 GFWWTP-3 NA 47.956300 missing coords
10293 3556 49_Wedel 9.651000 53.590100 out of americas
10303 3368 Calf of Man -4.819100 54.055200 out of americas
10307 NA Calf of Man -4.819100 54.055200 out of americas
10313 3595 Corrie Island 152.137100 -32.684300 out of americas
10315 3597 Tomago 151.757300 -32.835300 out of americas
10316 3596 Davies Point 151.969800 -32.690600 out of americas
10343 NA Rio Maipo -71.626900 -33.624000 out of all species ranges
10364 2467 Bovey Tracey -3.680900 50.592500 out of americas
10365 3000 Chudleigh Knighton -3.633600 50.588400 out of americas
10375 2991 Gappah -3.609900 50.584700 out of americas
10376 2909 Olchard -3.589700 50.583300 out of americas
10377 2486 Kingsteington -3.597800 50.551600 out of americas
10378 2486 Kingsteington -3.597800 50.551600 out of americas
10379 2997 Chudleigh Knighton Heath -3.643400 50.582500 out of americas
10380 3049 Chudleigh -3.606200 50.610000 out of americas
10381 2998 Teigngrace Meadow -3.639300 50.572700 out of americas
10382 2999 Sheepdip -3.594700 50.585700 out of americas
10393 2239 128_Helgoland_AWI1 7.892100 54.177800 out of americas
10420 2229 FB-TestSite-2 1.353500 52.869100 out of americas
10423 3628 UKB2-Test3_FB 1.353700 52.869200 out of americas
10436 3368 GVPIOM -4.553700 54.178300 out of americas
10446 3638 ABC_SS_Test1 -83.302300 33.939000 mobile station
10448 3125 EC-QC-TEST-DRONE -70.785300 47.071900 mobile station
10486 3139 CAPE HORN INTERNATIONAL CENTER -67.598600 -54.935300 out of all species ranges
10504 3672 test site -87.424300 41.450700 mobile station
10506 3674 TEST1 -83.302500 33.939100 mobile station
10508 NA Office 1 -83.361100 33.896200 mobile station
10509 3681 Office 2 -83.361100 33.896200 mobile station
10510 3679 Office 3 -83.361100 33.896200 mobile station
10512 2105 CIERG -69.196300 -51.625000 out of all species ranges
10515 NA Fécamp met mast (offshore research platform) 0.219000 49.847500 out of americas
10518 2163 307_test_station_SG_V2_a 1.353700 52.869200 mobile station
americas_buffer2 <- st_transform(americas_buffer, crs = "+proj=laea +lon_0=-75.23 +lat_0=15.23 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")

r <- recvs |>
  group_by(recvDeployID) |>

p <- recvs_problems |>
  drop_na(recvDeployLat, recvDeployLon) |>
  st_as_sf(coords = c("recvDeployLon", "recvDeployLat"), crs = 4326) |>

g <- ggplot() +
  theme(legend.position = "top") +
  geom_sf(data = americas_buffer2, fill = "blue", colour = NA, alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_sf(data = americas, fill = "white") +
  geom_sf(data = r, colour = alpha("black", 0.2), size = 0.5) +
  geom_sf(data = p, aes(fill = problem), shape = 21, size = 2) +
  scale_fill_viridis_d(direction = -1, option = "plasma") +
  labs(caption = "Pale blue indicates a 1250km buffer around the Americas within which to include receivers\nSmall black points are included receivers, colourful points are those to be omitted")

g + coord_sf(xlim = c(-5000000, 3000000), ylim = c(0, 7000000))

Range/Receiver Overlap

Now we’ll calculate overlaps with individual species ranges. Here we use the buffered range; that is, the species range with an added 100 buffer around it. This way we include stations which are on the edge of a species range and which might very well include valid species observations even if they’re not technically inside the range calculated by eBird.

sp_range_intersections <- recvs |>
  st_intersects(ranges_buffer, sparse = FALSE) |>
  as_tibble(.name_repair = ~ranges_buffer$species_code)

recvs <- bind_cols(recvs, sp_range_intersections) |>
  pivot_longer(cols = -c("recvDeployID", "recvDeviceID", "name", "geometry"), 
               names_to = "species_code", values_to = "in_range") |>
  left_join(select(sp_ebird, "species_code", "id", "english"), by = "species_code")
recvs |>
  st_drop_geometry() |>
  slice(1:50) |>
  gt() |>
  gt_theme(container.height = 500)
deployID deviceID name species_code in_range id english
629 337 Werden amered TRUE 16890 American Redstart
629 337 Werden amerob TRUE 15770 American Robin
629 337 Werden baispa FALSE 18910 Baird's Sparrow
629 337 Werden bawwar TRUE 16880 Black-and-white Warbler
629 337 Werden bkpwar TRUE 16820 Blackpoll Warbler
629 337 Werden bnhcow TRUE 19760 Brown-headed Cowbird
629 337 Werden brnthr TRUE 15970 Brown Thrasher
629 337 Werden btbwar TRUE 16600 Black-throated Blue Warbler
629 337 Werden btnwar TRUE 16660 Black-throated Green Warbler
629 337 Werden buhvir TRUE 13420 Blue-headed Vireo
629 337 Werden chclon FALSE 19160 Chestnut-collared Longspur
629 337 Werden comyel TRUE 17000 Common Yellowthroat
629 337 Werden gocspa FALSE 19060 Golden-crowned Sparrow
629 337 Werden graspa TRUE 18900 Grasshopper Sparrow
629 337 Werden grycat TRUE 15900 Gray Catbird
629 337 Werden herthr TRUE 15590 Hermit Thrush
629 337 Werden hoowar TRUE 17130 Hooded Warbler
629 337 Werden horlar TRUE 14040 Horned Lark
629 337 Werden lazbun FALSE 19450 Lazuli Bunting
629 337 Werden magwar TRUE 16580 Magnolia Warbler
629 337 Werden mcclon FALSE 19130 Thick-billed Longspur
629 337 Werden norcar TRUE 19360 Northern Cardinal
629 337 Werden norpar TRUE 16540 Northern Parula
629 337 Werden norwat TRUE 16940 Northern Waterthrush
629 337 Werden ovenbi1 TRUE 16930 Ovenbird
629 337 Werden palwar TRUE 16800 Palm Warbler
629 337 Werden pingro TRUE 20310 Pine Grosbeak
629 337 Werden pinsis TRUE 20420 Pine Siskin
629 337 Werden purfin TRUE 20330 Purple Finch
629 337 Werden reevir1 TRUE 41384 Red-eyed Vireo
629 337 Werden sonspa TRUE 18990 Song Sparrow
629 337 Werden spotow FALSE 18550 Spotted Towhee
629 337 Werden sprpip FALSE 16300 Sprague's Pipit
629 337 Werden swathr TRUE 15580 Swainson's Thrush
629 337 Werden tenwar TRUE 16460 Tennessee Warbler
629 337 Werden varthr FALSE 15830 Varied Thrush
629 337 Werden veery TRUE 15550 Veery
629 337 Werden vesspa TRUE 18830 Vesper Sparrow
629 337 Werden wesmea TRUE 19610 Western Meadowlark
629 337 Werden whcspa TRUE 19050 White-crowned Sparrow
629 337 Werden whtspa TRUE 19030 White-throated Sparrow
629 337 Werden yebcha TRUE 17310 Yellow-breasted Chat
629 337 Werden yebsap TRUE 10220 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
629 337 Werden yerwar TRUE 16620 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
630 292 Long Point Eco-Adventures amered TRUE 16890 American Redstart
630 292 Long Point Eco-Adventures amerob TRUE 15770 American Robin
630 292 Long Point Eco-Adventures baispa FALSE 18910 Baird's Sparrow
630 292 Long Point Eco-Adventures bawwar TRUE 16880 Black-and-white Warbler
630 292 Long Point Eco-Adventures bkpwar TRUE 16820 Blackpoll Warbler
630 292 Long Point Eco-Adventures bnhcow TRUE 19760 Brown-headed Cowbird



Next we’ll plot each species range and the overlapping receivers for quality control.

First we’ll make sure our map of the Americas only includes countries for which we have at least one station.

americas <- st_filter(americas, recvs)

Next, we’ll prepare a data frame with both ranges and buffered ranges, so we can show on the map the true range but also show that we include stations which are within 100 of the true range.

ranges <- bind_rows(
  bind_cols(ranges, type = "Range"),
  bind_cols(ranges_buffer, type = "Buffered Range"))

Create range plots

Now we’re ready to plot!

No plots online

There are temporarily no plots in this version of the page online as we have not yet received permission from eBird to share these in a semi-open manner.

for(i in unique(ranges$species_code)) {
  r <- filter(ranges, species_code == i)
  # Print title to add to TOC
  cat("\n\n### ", r$common_name[1], "\n\n")
  g <- ggplot() +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    geom_sf(data = americas) +
    geom_sf(data = r, aes(fill = type, alpha = type)) +
    geom_sf(data = filter(recvs, species_code == r$species_code[1]), 
            aes(colour = in_range), size = 0.5) +
    scale_colour_viridis_d(end = 0.9) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = c("blue", "blue")) +
    scale_alpha_manual(values = c(0.25, 0.4)) +
    labs(colour = "Reciever within\nbuffered species range", 
         title = "Range Map & Motus Receivers",
         subtitle = r$common_name[1], 
         fill = "", alpha = "") +
    guides(alpha = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = c(0.25, 0.65))),
           colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 3)))


American Redstart

American Robin

Baird’s Sparrow

Black-and-white Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

Brown-headed Cowbird

Brown Thrasher

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Blue-headed Vireo

Chestnut-collared Longspur

Common Yellowthroat

Golden-crowned Sparrow

Grasshopper Sparrow

Gray Catbird

Hermit Thrush

Hooded Warbler

Horned Lark

Lazuli Bunting

Magnolia Warbler

Thick-billed Longspur

Northern Cardinal

Northern Parula

Northern Waterthrush


Palm Warbler

Pine Grosbeak

Pine Siskin

Purple Finch

Red-eyed Vireo

Song Sparrow

Spotted Towhee

Sprague’s Pipit

Swainson’s Thrush

Tennessee Warbler

Varied Thrush


Vesper Sparrow

Western Meadowlark

White-crowned Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow

Yellow-breasted Chat

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Save Outputs

First we’ll add in all the receivers we originally omitted. This way we have the reason each receiver is not in_range when we go to examine the filters in the next step.

p <- select(recvs_problems, "recvDeployID", "recvDeviceID", "name", "problem") |>
  expand_grid(select(sp_ebird, "species_code", "id", "english")) |>
  mutate(in_range = FALSE)

recvs |>
  st_drop_geometry() |>
  full_join(p, by = c("recvDeployID", "recvDeviceID", "name", "species_code", 
                      "id", "english", "in_range")) |>
  mutate(problem = replace_na(problem, "none")) |>

Wrap up

Disconnect from the databases

walk(dbs, dbDisconnect)


─ Session info ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
 setting  value
 version  R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31)
 os       Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 system   x86_64, linux-gnu
 ui       X11
 language en_CA:en
 collate  en_CA.UTF-8
 ctype    en_CA.UTF-8
 tz       America/Winnipeg
 date     2024-02-07
 pandoc   3.1.1 @ /usr/lib/rstudio/resources/app/bin/quarto/bin/tools/ (via rmarkdown)

─ Packages ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
 package            * version  date (UTC) lib source
 assertr            * 3.0.0    2022-11-05 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 bit                  4.0.5    2022-11-15 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 bit64                4.0.5    2020-08-30 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 blob                 1.2.4    2023-03-17 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 cachem               1.0.8    2023-05-01 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 callr                3.7.3    2022-11-02 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 class                7.3-22   2023-05-03 [4] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 classInt             0.4-10   2023-09-05 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 cli                  3.6.2    2023-12-11 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 codetools            0.2-19   2023-02-01 [4] CRAN (R 4.2.2)
 colorspace           2.1-0    2023-01-23 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 crayon               1.5.2    2022-09-29 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 DBI                * 1.1.3    2022-06-18 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 dbplyr               2.4.0    2023-10-26 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 devtools             2.4.5    2022-10-11 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 digest               0.6.34   2024-01-11 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 dplyr              * 1.1.4    2023-11-17 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 e1071                1.7-13   2023-02-01 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 ebirdst            * 3.2022.2 2024-01-15 [1] Github (ebird/ebirdst@bd409c7)
 ellipsis             0.3.2    2021-04-29 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 evaluate             0.23     2023-11-01 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 fansi                1.0.6    2023-12-08 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 farver               2.1.1    2022-07-06 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 fastmap              1.1.1    2023-02-24 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 fs                   1.6.3    2023-07-20 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 generics             0.1.3    2022-07-05 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 ggplot2            * 3.4.4    2023-10-12 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 glue                 1.7.0    2024-01-09 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 gt                 * 0.10.0   2023-10-07 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 gtable               0.3.4    2023-08-21 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 hms                  1.1.3    2023-03-21 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 htmltools            0.5.7    2023-11-03 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 htmlwidgets          1.6.4    2023-12-06 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 httpuv               1.6.12   2023-10-23 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 httr                 1.4.7    2023-08-15 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 jsonlite             1.8.8    2023-12-04 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 KernSmooth           2.23-22  2023-07-10 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 knitr                1.45     2023-10-30 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 later                1.3.1    2023-05-02 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 lattice              0.22-5   2023-10-24 [4] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 lifecycle            1.0.4    2023-11-07 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 lubridate          * 1.9.3    2023-09-27 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 magrittr             2.0.3    2022-03-30 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 memoise              2.0.1    2021-11-26 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 mime                 0.12     2021-09-28 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 miniUI       2018-05-18 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 motus              * 6.1.0    2024-02-01 [1] Github (motuswts/motus@9d99ed5)
 munsell              0.5.0    2018-06-12 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 naturecounts         0.4.0    2023-06-20 [1] local
 pillar               1.9.0    2023-03-22 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 pkgbuild             1.4.2    2023-06-26 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 pkgconfig            2.0.3    2019-09-22 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 pkgload              1.3.3    2023-09-22 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 prettyunits          1.2.0    2023-09-24 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 processx             3.8.2    2023-06-30 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 profvis              0.3.8    2023-05-02 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 promises             1.2.1    2023-08-10 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 proxy                0.4-27   2022-06-09 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 ps                   1.7.5    2023-04-18 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 purrr              * 1.0.2    2023-08-10 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 R6                   2.5.1    2021-08-19 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 Rcpp                 1.0.11   2023-07-06 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 readr              * 2.1.4    2023-02-10 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 remotes      2023-07-18 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 rlang                1.1.3    2024-01-10 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 rmarkdown            2.25     2023-09-18 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 rnaturalearth      * 0.3.4    2023-08-21 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 rnaturalearthhires   0.2.1    2023-05-31 [1] Github (ropensci/rnaturalearthhires@c3785a8)
 RSQLite              2.3.3    2023-11-04 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 rstudioapi           0.15.0   2023-07-07 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 s2                   1.1.4    2023-05-17 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 sass                 0.4.8    2023-12-06 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 scales               1.3.0    2023-11-28 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 sessioninfo          1.2.2    2021-12-06 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 sf                 * 1.0-14   2023-07-11 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 shiny        2023-10-14 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 sp                   2.1-1    2023-10-16 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 stringi              1.8.3    2023-12-11 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 stringr            * 1.5.1    2023-11-14 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 tibble             * 3.2.1    2023-03-20 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 tidyr              * 1.3.0    2023-01-24 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 tidyselect           1.2.0    2022-10-10 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 timechange           0.2.0    2023-01-11 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 tzdb                 0.4.0    2023-05-12 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 units              * 0.8-4    2023-09-13 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 urlchecker           1.0.1    2021-11-30 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 usethis              2.2.2    2023-07-06 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 utf8                 1.2.4    2023-10-22 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 vctrs                0.6.5    2023-12-01 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 viridisLite          0.4.2    2023-05-02 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 vroom                1.6.4    2023-10-02 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 withr                3.0.0    2024-01-16 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 wk                   0.9.0    2023-10-22 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 xfun                 0.41     2023-11-01 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
 xml2                 1.3.6    2023-12-04 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)
 xtable               1.8-4    2019-04-21 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
 yaml                 2.3.8    2023-12-11 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.2)

 [1] /home/steffi/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.3
 [2] /usr/local/lib/R/site-library
 [3] /usr/lib/R/site-library
 [4] /usr/lib/R/library

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